Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
High-precision mass spectrometry and environment change lab

Refereed Papers
Gázquez, F.*, Columbu A., Waele J. D., Breitenbach S. F. M., Huang C.-R., Shen C.-C., Lu Y., Calaforra J.-M., Vautravers M. J. M., and Hodell D. (2018) Quantification of paleo-aquifer changes using clumped isotopes in subaqueous carbonate speleothems. Chemical Geology 493, 246-257. 20 Aug. Most downloaded articles #17.
Maxwell, K. V., Ramos N. T., Tsutsumi H., Chou Y.-C., Duan F., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Late Quaternary uplift across northwest Luzon Island, Philippines constrained from emergent coral reef terraces. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4474. July 27.
Li, Z., Chen M.-T.*, Lin D.-C., Wang H., Shi X., Liu S., Yokoyama Y., Yamamoto M., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., Troa R. A., Zuraida R., Triarso E., and Hendrizan M. (2018) Holocene surface hydroclimate changes in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Quaternary International 482, 1-12. 20 July.
Mori, T., Kashiwagi K., Amekawa S., Kato H., Okumura T., Takashima C., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Quade J., and Kano A.* (2018) Temperature and seawater isotopic controls on two stalagmite records since 83 ka from maritime Japan. Quaternary Science Reviews 192, 47-58. 15 July
Koralay, T.*, Baykara M. O., Deniz K., Kadioğlu Y. K., Duman B., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Multi-Isotope investigations for scientific characterisation and provenance implication of banded travertines from Tripolis Antique City (Denizli–Turkey). Environmental Archaeology, 13 July.
Band, S.*, Yadava M. G., Lone M. A.*, Shen C.-C., Sree K., and Ramesh R. (2018) High-resolution mid-Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon recorded in a stalagmite from the Kotumsar Cave, Central India. Quaternary International. (SCI) (in press)
Shen, C.-C., Sun H., Albert-Delmoro C., Azura-Cafe L., and Gong S.-Y.* (2018) Holocene Sea-level Records of Eastern Samar, Philippines: A Far-Field, Large Island Case in the Western Pacific. Scientific Reports. (SCI) (in review)
Wang, Y. J.*, Zhang Z. Q., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Duan F. C., Liu D. B., Chen S. T., Kong X. G., Wu J. Y., Zhao K., and Hu H.-M. (2018) Large oscillations of Asian summer monsoon during marine isotope stage 11. Nature Geoscience. (SCI) (in review)
Duan, F., Wang Y.*, Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Kong X., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Correlations between Asian climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations around glacial terminations. Geophysical Research Letters. (SCI) (in review)
Pereira, N. S., Sial A. N., Kilbourne K. H., Liu S.-C., Shen C.-C., Ullmann C. V., Frei R., Korte C., Kikuchi R. K. P., Ferreira V. P., and Braga B. L. S. (2018) Carbon stable isotope record in the coral species Siderastrea stellata: A link to the Suess effect in the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 497, 82-90. (SCI) May 15.
Lo, L.*, Belt S. T., Lattaud J., Friedrich T., Zeeden C., Schouten S., Smik L., Timmermann A., Cabedo-Sanz P., Huang J.-J., Zhou L., Ou T.-H., Chang Y.-P., Wang L.-C., Chou Y.-M., Shen C.-C., Chen M.-T., Wei K.-Y., Song S.-R., Fang T.-H., Gorbarenko S. A., Wang W.-L., Lee T.-Q., Elderfield H., and Hodell D. A. (2018) CO2 threshold for precessional variability of sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea during the past 180,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 488, 36-45. (SCI) April 15.
Evangelista, H.*, Sifeddine A., Corrège T., Servain J., Dassié E. P., Logato R., Cordeiro R. C., Shen C.-C., LeCornec F., Nogueira J., Segal B., Castagna A., and Turcq B., (2018) Climatic constraints on growth rate and geochemistry (Sr/Ca and U/Ca) of the coral Siderastrea stellata in the Southwest Equatorial Atlantic (Rocas Atoll, Brazil). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 19. (SCI) March 14.
Tan, L.*, Shen C.-C., Cai Y., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2018) Great Flood in the middle-lower Yellow River reaches at 4000 a BP inferred from absolutely-dated stalagmite records. Science Bulletin, 63, 206-208. (SCI) Feb 28.
Capezzuoli, E., Ruggieri G., Rimondi V., Brogi A., Liotta D., Alçiçek M. C., Alçiçek H., Bülbül A., Gandin A., Meccheri M., Shen C.-C., and Baykara M. C. (2018) Calcite veining and feeding conduits in a hydrothermal system: Insights from a natural section across the Pleistocene Gölemezli travertine depositional system (western Anatolia, Turkey). Sedimentary Geology, 364, 180-203. (SCI) Feb.
Shyu, J. B. H.*, Wang C.-C., Wang Y., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Liu S.-C., Min S., Aung L. T., Than O., and Tun S. T. (2018) Upper-plate splay fault earthquakes along the Arakan subduction belt recorded by uplifted coral microatolls on northern Ramree Island, western Myanmar (Burma). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 484, 241-252. (SCI) (Feb 15)
Hsu, Y.-K.*, Rawson J., Pollard A. M., Ma Q., Luo F., Yao P.-X., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Application of kernel density estimates to lead isotope compositions of Bronzes from Ningxia, north-west China. Archaeometry 60, 128-143. (SCI) (Jan 29)
Xu, S., Yu K.*, Tao S., We C.-C., Wang Y., Jiang W., Wang S., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Evidence for the thermal bleaching of Porites corals from 4.0 ka BP in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, 123, doi: 10.1002/2017JG004091. (SCI) (Jan 11)
Billi, A., Berardi G., Gratier J.-P., Rossetti F., Vignaroli G., Baykara M. O., Bernasconi S. M., Kele S., Soligo M., Filippis L. D., Shen C.-C. (2017) Reply to Comment on "First records of syn-diagenetic non-tectonic folding in Quaternary thermogene travertines caused by hydrothermal incremental veining" by Billi et alii. Tectonophysics, 721, 501-512. (SCI) Nov 28.
Finné, M.*, Holmgren K., Shen C.-C., Hu H.-M., Boyd M., and Stocker S. (2017) Late Bronze Age climate change and the destruction of the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor at Pylos. Plos One, 12, e0189447. (SCI)(Dec 27).
Lu, Y.-C., Song S.-R.*, Wang P.-L., Wu C.-C., Mii H.-S., MacDonald J., Shen C.-C., and John C. M. (2017) Magmatic-like fluid source of the Chingshui geothermal field, NE Taiwan evidenced by carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 124-133. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.03.004. (SCI) Nov.
Raza, W., Ahmad S. M.*, Lone M. A., Shen C.-C., Sarma D. S., and Kumar A. (2017) Indian summer monsoon variability in southern India during the last deglaciation: Evidence from a high resolution stalagmite δ18O record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 476-485. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.07.003. (SCI) Nov.
Koltai, G.*, Spötl C., Shen C.-C., Wu C.-C., Rao Z., Palcsu L., Kele S., Surányi G., and Bárány-Kevei I. (2017) A penultimate glacial climate record from southern Hungary. Journal of Quaternary Science. 10.1002/jqs.2968. Sept 13 online (SCI)
Zhao, M., Li H.-C.*, Shen C.-C., Kang S.-C., and Chou C.-Y. (2017) d18O, d13C, elemental content and depositional features of a stalagmite from Yelang Cave reflecting climate and vegetation changes since late Pleistocene in central Guizhou, China. Quaternary International, 452, 102-115. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.07.022. (SCI, IF: 2.067)(15 Sept)
Yin, J.-J., Li H.-C.*, Rao Z.-G., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., Pillutla R. K., Hu H.-M., Li Y.-X., and Feng X. (2017) Variations of monsoonal rain and vegetation during the past millennium in Tiangui Mountain, North China reflected by stalagmite δ18O and δ13C records from Zhenzhu Cave. Quaternary International, 447, 89-101. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.039 (SCI)(Aug 15)
Li, J.-Y., Li H.-C.*, Li T.-Y., Mii H.-S., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., and Xu X. (2017) High-resolution d18O and d13C records of an AMS 14C and 230Th/U dated stalagmite from Xinya Cave in Chongqing: Climate and vegetation change during the late Holocene. Quaternary International, 447, 75-88. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.075. (SCI)(Aug 15)
Joshi, L. M.*, Kotlia B. S., Admad S. M., Wu C.-C., Sanwal J., Raza W., Singh A. K., Shen C.-C., Long T., and Sharma A. K. (2017) Reconstruction of Indian monsoon precipitation variability between 4.0 to 1.6 ka BP using speleothem δ18O records from the Central Lesser Himalaya, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 356, doi: 10.1007/s12517-017-3141-7. (Aug 14)
Li, T.-Y.*, Han L.-Y., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Li H.-C., Li J.-Y., Huang C.-X., Zhang T.-T., and Zhao X. (2017) Evolution of the Asian summer monsoon during Dansgaard/Oeschger events 13-17 recorded in a stalagmite constrained by high-precision chronology from southwest China. Quaternary Research, 1-8. doi: 10.1017/qua.2017.22. (July)
Kajita, H., Yamazaki A., Watanabe T. K., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., and Watanabe T.* (2017) Holocene sea surface temperature variations recorded in corals from Kikai Island, Japan. Geochemical Journal, 51, e9-e14, doi:10.2343/geochemj.2.0482. (Express Letter)(June 7)
Brogi, A.*, Capezzuoli E., Kele S., Baykara M. O., and Shen C.-C. (2017) Key travertine tectofacies for neotectonics and palaeoseismicity reconstruction: effects of hydrothermal overpressure fluid injection. Journal of the Geological Society, 174, doi: 10.1144/jgs2016-124 (SCI) (in press) most-read article #3 (2017 March 1st).
Ramos, N. T., Maxwell K. V., Tsutsumi H., Chou Y.-C., Duan F., Shen C.-C., and Satake K. (2017) Occurrence of 1 ka-old corals on an uplifted reef terrace in west Luzon, Philippines: Implications for a prehistoric extreme wave event in the South China Sea region. Geoscience Letters, 4, 12. doi: 10.1186/s40562-017-0078-3. (May)
Liu, J.*, Wang J., Chen Y.*, Lippold H., Xiao T., Li H., Shen C.-C., Xie L., Xie X., and Yang H. (2017) Geochemical transfer and preliminary health risk assessment of thallium in a riverine system in the Pearl River Basin, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 176, 64-75. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.01.011. (SCI, IF: 2.147) (May)
Demeny, A.*, Kern Z., Czuppon G., Németh A., Leél-Őssy S., Siklósy Z., Lin K., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., Vennemann T. W., and Haszpra L. (2017) Stable isotope compositions of speleothems from the last interglacial – spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 161, 68-80. (SCI) (April 1)
Rangarajan, R., Laskar A. H., Bhattacharya S. K., Shen C.-C., and Liang M.-C.* (2017) An insight into the western Pacific wintertime moisture sources using dual water vapor isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 547, 111-123. (SCI)(April)
Billi, A., Berardi G., Gratier J.-P., Rossetti F., Vignaroli G., Baykara M. O., Bernasconi S. M., Kele S., Soligo M., Filippis L. D., Shen C.-C. (2017) First records of syn-diagenetic non-tectonic folding in Quaternary thermogene travertines caused by hydrothermal incremental veining. Tectonophysics, 700-701, 60-79. (SCI)(March 20)
Zhang, T.-T., Li T.-Y.*, Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Spötl C., Li H.-C., Han L.-Y., Li J.-Y., Huan C.-X., and Zhao X. (2017) Stalagmite-inferred centennial variability of the Asian summer monsoon in Southwest China between 58 and 79 ka BP. Quaternary Science Reviews, 160, 1-12. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.02.003. (SCI) (most downloaded article in the last 90 days, April 4)
Philibosian, B.*, Sieh K., Avouac J.-P., Natawidjaja D. H., Chiang H.-W., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Daryono M. R., Perfettini H., Suwargadi B. W., Lu Y., and Wang X. (2017) Earthquake supercycles of the Mentawai segment of the Sunda megathrust in the seventeen century and earlier. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi: 10.1002/2016JB013560. (Jan 26)
Michel, V.*, Valladas H., Shen G., Zhao J., Shen C.-C., Valensi P., and Bae C. J.* (2016) The earliest modern Homo sapiens in China? Journal of Human Evolution, 101, 101-104. (SCI, IF: 3.767)(most downloaded article in the last 90 days, Sept 17)
Chang, C.-C., Burr G. S., Jull A. J. T., Russell J. L., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Biddulph D., White L., Prouty N. G., and Zhou W. (2016) Reconstructing surface ocean circulation with 129I time series records from corals. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 165, 144-150. (SCI, IF: 2.047 ) (Dec)
DeLong, K. L.*, Maupin C. R., Flannery J. A., Quinn T. M., and Shen C.-C. (2016) Refining temperature reconstructions with the Atlantic coral Siderastrea siderea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 462, 1-15. (SCI, IF: 2.525) (most downloaded article #9, Oct-Dec, 2016) (15 Nov)
Berardi G.*, Vignaroli G., Billi A., Rossetti F., Soligo M., Kele S., Baykara M. O., Bernasconi S. M., Castorina F., Tecce F., and Shen C.-C. (2016) Growth of a Pleistocene giant carbonate vein and nearby thermogene travertine deposits at Semproniano, southern Tuscany, Italy: Estimate of CO2 leak. Tectonophysics, 690, 219-239. (SCI, IF: 2.650) (28 Oct)
Brogi, A.*, Alçiçek C. M., Yalciner C. C., Capezzuoli E., Liotta D., Meccheri M., Rimondi V., Ruggieri G., Gandin A., Boschi C., Büyüksaraç A., Alçiçek H., Bülbül A., Baykara M. , and Shen C.-C. (2016) Corrigendum to “Hydrothermal fluids circulation and travertine deposition in an active tectonic setting: Insights from the Kamara geothermal area (western Anatolia, Turkey)”. Tectonophysics, 687, 268-269. (SCI, IF: 2.650) (26 Sept)
Demény, A.*, Czuppon G., Kern Z., Leél-Őssy S., Németh A., Szabó1 M., Tóth M., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Molnár M., Németh T., Németh P., and Óvári M. (2016) Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems - Paleoclimatological implications. Quaternary International, 415, 25-32. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.137. (SCI, IF: 2.067) (10 Sept)
Lin, Y.-S., Chuang Y.-R., Shyu J. B. H.*, Gonzalez G., Shen C.-C., Lo C.-H., and Liou Y.-H. (2016) Structural characteristics of an active fold-and-thrust system in the southeastern Atacama Basin, northern Chile. Tectonophysics, 685, 44-59. (SCI, IF: 2.650)(20 Aug)
Huang, W., Wang Y.*, Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Liu D., Shao Q., Zhang Z., and Wang Q. (2016) Multi-scale Holocene Asian monsoon variability deduced from a twin-stalagmite record in southwestern China. Quaternary Research, 86, 34-44. (SCI, IF: 2.198)(most downloaded article, May-July, 2016) (X July)
Li, M., Wang F., Cao Q., Li T., Shen C.-C., Ma Z., and Cai B. (2016) The discovery of extremely thin false band in a stalagmite from Shihua Cave and its implication for paleoclimatic reconstruction. Quaternary Sciences, 36, 1521-1522. (15 June)
Dong J.*, Zhao K.*, Shen C.-C., and Ren H. (2016) Strong East Asian summer monsoon during the DO 25 event recorded by an absolute-dated stalagmite from Dragon Cave, Northern China. Quaternary Sciences, 36, 1502-1509. (15 June)
Brogi, A.*, Alçiçek C. M., Yalciner C. C., Capezzuoli E., Liotta D., Meccheri M., Rimondi V., Ruggieri G., Gandin A., Boschi C., Büyüksaraç A., Alçiçek H., Bülbül A., Baykara M. , and Shen C.-C., and (2016) Hydrothermal fluids circulation and travertine deposition in an active tectonic setting: Insights from the Kamara geothermal area (western Anatolia, Turkey). Tectonophysics, 680, 211-232. (SCI, IF: 2.650) (most downloaded article, June-August, 2016) (12 June)
Liu, J.*, Wang J., Chen Y., Shen C.-C., Jiang X., Xie X., Chen D., Lippold H., and Wang C. (2016) Thallium dispersal and contamination in surface sediments from South China and its source identification. Environmental Pollution, 213, 878-887.(SCI, IF: 4.839) (June)
Siringan, F. P., Shen C.-C., Lin K., Abigania M. I. T., and Gong S.-Y.* (2016) Coral-based Holocene sea level of Paraoir, western Luzon, Philippines. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 123, 61-66, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.022. (SCI, IF: 2.647) (1 June)
Tan, L*., Cai Y., An Z., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Gao Y., and Edwards R. L. (2016) Decreasing monsoon precipitation in southwest China during the last 240 years associated with the warming of tropical ocean. Climate Dynamics. 10.1007/s00382-016-3171-y. (SCI, IF: 4.708) (21 May)
Evangelista, H.*, Wainer I., Sifeddine A., Corrège T., Godiva D., Cordeiro R. C., Lamounier S., Godiva D., Shen C.-C., LeCornec F., Turcq B., Lazareth C. E., and Hu C.-Y. (2016) Ideas and perspectives: Southwestern tropical Atlantic coral growth response to atmospheric circulation changes induced by ozone depletion in Antarctica. Biogeosciences, 13, 2379-2386, doi: 10.5194/bg-13-2379-2016. (SCI, IF: 3.700) (25 April)
Wang, Q.*, Zhou H. Cheng K., Chi H., Shen C.-C., Wang C., and Ma Q. (2016) The climate reconstruction in Shandong Peninsula, North China during the last millennia based on stalagmite laminae together with its comparison to d18O. Climate of the Past, 12, 871-881, 2015. doi: 10.5194/cp-12-871-2016. (SCI, IF: 3.638) (8 April)
Medina-Elizalde, M.*, Burns S., Polanco-Martinez J., Lases-Hernandez F., Shen C.-C., Wang H.-C., and Beach T. (2016) High-resolution speleothem record of precipitation from the Yucatan Peninsula spanning the Maya Preclassic Period. Global and Planetary Change, 138, 93-102, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.10.003. (SCI, IF: 3.548) (most downloaded articles #24, 2015, Oct-Dec) (March)
Scroxton, N.*, Gagan M. K., Dunbar G. B., Ayliffe L. K., Hantoro W. S., Shen C.-C., Hellstrom J. C., Zhao J.-x., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Sun H., and Rifai H. (2016) Natural attrition and growth frequency variations of stalagmites in southwest Sulawesi over the past 530,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 441, 823-833. (SCI, IF: 2.525) (1 Jan)
Zhao, M., Li H.-C.*, Liu Z.-H., Mii H.-S., Sun H.-L., Shen C.-C., and Kang S.-C. (2015) Changes in climate and vegetation of central Guizhou in southwest China since the last glacial reflected by stalagmite records from Yelang Cave. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114, 549-561, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.07.021. (SCI, IF: 2.647)
Ota, Y., Shyu J. B. H.*, Wang C.-C., Lee H.-C., Chung L.-H., and Shen C.-C. (2015) Coral boulders along the coast of the Lanyu Island, offshore southeastern Taiwan, as potential paleotsunami records. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114, 588-600, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.08.001. (SCI, IF: 2.647)
Sone, T., Kano A.*, Kashiwagi K., Mori T., Okumura T., Shen C.-C., and Hori M. (2015) Two modes of climatic control in the Holocene stalagmite record from the Japan Sea side of the Japanese islands. Island Arc, 24, 342-358, doi: 10.1111/iar.12118. (SCI, IF: 1.397)
Han, L.-Y., Li T.-Y.*, Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Li H.-C., Huang C.-X., Li J.-Y., Huan C.-X., Li J.-Y., Yuan N., Wang H.-B., Zhang T.-T., and Zhao X. (2015) Potential influence of temperature changes in the Southern Hemisphere on the evolution of the Asian summer monsoon during the last glacial period. Quaternary International, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.05.068. (SCI, IF: 2.067)
Tan, L.*, Cai Y., An Z., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Breitenbach S. F. M., Edwards R. L., Zhang H., and Du Y. (2015) A Chinese cave links climate change, social impacts and human adaption over the last 500 years. Scientific Reports, 5, 12284; doi: 10.1038/srep12284. (SCI, IF: 5.228)
Burr, G. S.*, Haynes C. V., Shen C.-C., Taylor F., Chang Y.-W., Beck J. W., Nguyen V., and Zhou W. (2015) Temporal variations of radiocarbon reservoir ages in the South Pacific Ocean during the Holocene. Radiocarbon, 57, 507-515, doi: 10.2458/azu_rc.57.18460. (SCI, IF: 4.565)
Tan, L.*, Cai Y., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Gao Y., and An Z. (2015) Climate significance of speleothem d18O from central China on decadal timescale. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106, 150-155, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.03.008. (SCI, IF: 2.647)
Meltzner, A. J.*, Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Wu C.-C., Tsang L. L., Shen C.-C., Hill E. M., Suwargadi B. W., Natawidjaja D. H., Philibosian B., and Briggs R. W. (2015) Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust. Quaternary Science Reviews, 122, 258-281, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.06.003. (SCI, IF: 4.521) (most downloaded articles #24, 2015, Aug-Oct)
Allu, N. C., Tiwari M., Yadava M. G., Nguyen D. C., Shen C.-C., Belangaonkar S. P., Ramesh R.*, and Laskar A. H. (2015) Stalagmite d18O variations in southern India reveal divergent trends of Indian Summer Monsoon and East Asian Summer Monsoon during the last interglacial. Quaternary International, 371, 191-196, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.12.014 (SCI, IF: 2.067) (most downloaded articles #23).
Yao, P.-H., Shyu G.-S., Chang Y.-F., Chou Y.-C., Shen C.-C., Chou C.-S., and Chang T.-K.* (2015) Lead Isotopic characterization of petroleum fuels in Taipei, Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 4602-4616. doi:10.3390/ijerph120504602. (SCI, IF: 2.035)
Liu, J., Wang J.*, Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen Y., Wang C., Ye H., Long J., Song G., and Wu Y. (2015) Surface sediment contamination by uranium mining/milling activities in South China. Clean-Soil Air Water, 43, 414-420. (SCI, IF: 1.716)
Sieh, K.*, Daly P. McKinnon E. E., Pilarczyk J. E., Chiang H.-W., Horton B., Rubin C. M., Shen C.-C., Ismail N., Vane C., and Feener R. M. (2015) Penultimate predecessors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Aceh, Sumatra: Stratigraphic, archeological and historical evidence. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 308-325, doi: 10.1002/2014JB011538. (SCI, IF: 3.318)
Chen, Q., Liu S., Mi X., Yang L., He H., Zhu L., Shen C.-C., and Zhou H.* (2014) Speleothem-derived Asian summer monsoon variations during Greenland interstadials 4 to 5 in NE Sichuan, Central China, and teleconnections with high latitude climates. Quaternary Sciences, 364, 1264-1269.
Schmitt, A. K.*, Danišík M., Siebel W., Elitok Ö, Shen C.-C., and Chang Y.-W. (2014) Late Pleistocene Zircon Ages for Intracaldera Domes at Gölcük (Isparata, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 286, 24-29, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.08.027. (SCI, IF: 2.674)
Philibosian, B.*, Sieh K., Avouac J.-P., Natawidjaja D. H., Chiang H.-W., Wu C.-C., Perfettini H., Shen C.-C., Daryono M. R., and Suwargadi B. W. (2014) Rupture and variable coupling behavior of the Mentawai segment of the Sunda Megathrust during the supercycle Culmination of 1797 to 1833. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 7258-7287, doi: 10.1002/2014JB011200 (SCI, IF: 3.318)
Zhou, H.*, Zhao J., Feng Y., Shen C.-C., Chen Q., Mi X., He H., Yang L., Liu S., Chen L., and Huang J. (2014) Heinrich event 4 and Dansgaard/Oeschger events 5-10 recorded by high-resolution speleothem oxygen isotope data from Central China. Quaternary Research, 82, 394-404, doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2014.07.006. (SCI, IF: 2.198)
Jiang, X.*, He Y., Shen C.-C.*, Lee S.-Y., Yang B., Lin K., and Li Z. (2014) Decoupling of the East Asian summer monsoon and India summer monsoon between 20 and 17 ka. Quaternary Research, 82, 146-153. (SCI, IF: 2.198)
Gribovszki, K., Kovács K., Mónus P., Shen C.-C., Török Á, and Brimich L. (2014) Estimation the upper limit of prehistoric horizontal peak ground acceleration using the parameters of intact stalagmites and the mechanical properties of broken stalagmites in Domica cave, Slovakia. Slovensky Kras (Slovak Karst) Vol. 51, No.1-2. (in press)
Liu, Y.*, Peng Z., Zhou R. Song S., Liu W., You C.-F.*, Lin Y.-B., Yu K., Wu C.-C., Wei G., Xie L., and Shen C.-C.* (2014) Acceleration of modern acidification in the South China Sea driven by anthropogenic CO2. Scientific Reports. (SCI, IF: xxx)(in press)
Liu, J., Wang J.*, Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen Y., Long J., Song G., Wu Y., and Wang C. (2014) Surface sediment contamination by uranium mining/milling activities in northern Guangdong Province, China. Clean-Soil, Air and Water, doi: 10.1002/clen.201300297 (SCI, IF: 2.046) (in press)
DeLong, K.*, Maupin C. R., Flannery J. A., Poore R. Z., Quinn T. M., Lin K., and Shen C.-C. (2014) A reconstruction of sea surface temperature variability in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico from 1734–2008 CE using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea. Paleoceanography. (SCI, IF: 3.296)(in press)
Maupin, C. R.*, Partin J. W., Shen C.-C., Quinn T. M., Lin K., Taylor F. W., Banner J. L., Thirumalai K., and Sinclair D. J. (2014) Persistent decadal-scale rainfall variability in the tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone through the past six centuries. Climate of the Past, 9, 5593-5625.
Tan, L.*, Shen C.-C., Cai Y., Lo L., Cheng H., and An Z. (2014) Trace-element variations in an annually layered stalagmite as recorders of climatic changes and anthropogenic pollution in central China. Quatern. Res. doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2013.12.001. (SCI, IF: 2.204)(in press)
Zou, H., Shen C.-C., Fan Q., and Lin K. (2014) U-Th systematics in young Tengchong volcanics: Recycling of nature clay sediments or mudstones into the SE Tibetan mantle. Lithos. (in press)
Hori, M.*, Ishikawa T., Nagaishi K., You C.-F., Huang K.-F., Shen C.-C., and Kano A. (2014) Rare earth elements in a stalagmite from southwestern Japan: A potential proxy for chemical weathering. Geochem. J. (SCI, IF: 0.758) (in press)
Lone, M. A., Ahmad S. M.*, Dung N. C., Shen C.-C., Raza W., and Kumar A. (2014) Speleothem based 1,000-year high resolution record of Indian monsoon variability during the last deglaciation. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 395, 1-8. (SCI, IF: 2.745) | PDF |
Özkul, M.*, Gökgöz A., Kele S., Baykara M. O., Shen C.-C., Chang Y.-W., Kaya A., Hançer M., Aratman C., Akin T., and Öru Z (2014) Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of a fluvial travertine: A case from the eastern Mediterranean region. Sedimentology 61, 291-318, doi: 10.1111/sed.12095. (SCI, IF: 2.611) | PDF |
Liu, Y.*, Zhang Z.-F., Peng Z.-C., Ling M.-X., Shen C.-C., Liu W.-G., Sun X.-C., Shen C.-D., Liu K.-X., and Sun W.* (2014) Mysterious abrupt carbon-14 increase in coral contributed by a comet. Scientific Reports 4, 3728; doi: 10.1038/srep03728. (SCI, IF: 2.927) | PDF |
Lo, L., Shen C.-C.*, Lu C.-J., Chen Y.-C., Chang C.-C., Wei K.-Y., Qu D., and Gagan M. K. (2014) Determination of element/Ca ratios in foraminifera and corals using cold- and hot-plasma techniques in inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. J. Asian Earth Sci., 81, 115-122, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.11.016. (SCI, IF: 2.379) | PDF |
2013 -
Michel, V.*, Shen G., Shen C.-C., Wu C.-C., Vérati C., Gallet S., Moncel M.-H., Combier J., Khatib S., and Manetti M. (2013) Application of U/Th and 40Ar/39Ar dating to Orgnac 3, a Late Acheulean and Early Middle Palaeolithic site in Ardèche, France. Plos One, 8, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082394. (SCI, IF: 3.730) | PDF |
Schmitt, A. K.*, Martin A., Weber B., Stockli D. F., Zou H., and Shen C.-C. (2013) Oceanic magmatism in sedimentary basins of the northern Gulf of California rift. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 125, 1833-1850. (SCI, IF: 4.286) (Most-read articles, #1 in Petrology, Oct 2013) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Lin K., Duan W., Jiang X., Partin J. W., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., and Tan M.* (2013) Testing the annual nature of speleothem banding. Sci. Rep. 3, 2633, doi:10.1038/srep02633. (SCI, IF: 2.927) (highlighted by Science, Editor’s Choice, 2013, Sept. 26) | PDF |
Partin, J. W.*, Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C.*, Emile-Geay J., Taylor F. W., Maupin C. R., Lin K., Jackson C. S., Banner J. L., Sinclair D. J., and Huh C.-A. (2013) Multi-decadal rainfall variability in South Pacific Convergence Zone as revealed by stalagmite geochemistry. Geology, doi:10.1130/G34718.1. (SCI, IF: 4.087) | PDF |
Amakawa, H.*, Tazoe H., Obata H., Gamo T., Sano Y., and Shen C.-C. (2013) Neodymium isotopic composition and concentration in the central South Pacific Ocean. Geochem. J., 47, 409-422. (SCI, IF: 0.758) | PDF |Sone, T., Kano A.*, Okumura T., Kashiwagi K., Hori M., and Shen C.-C. (2013) Holocene stalagmite oxygen isotopic record from the Japan Sea side of the Japanese Islands, as a new proxy of the East Asian winter monsoon. Quat. Sci. Rev., 75, 150-160. (SCI, IF: 4.076) | PDF |
Özkul, M.*, Kele S., Gökgöz A., Shen C.-C., Brian J., Baykara M. O., Németh T., and Fόrizsb I. (2013) Comparison of the Quaternary travertine sites in the Denizli Extensional Basin based on their depositional and geochemical data. Sediment. Geol., 294, 179-204, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.05.018 (SCI, IF: 1.802) (Most downloaded articles #2, 2013 June-September) | PDF |
Liu, Y.*, Peng Z., Shen C.-C.*, Zhou R., Song S., Shi Z., Chen T., Wei G., and DeLong K. L. (2013) Recent 121-year variability of western boundary upwelling in the northern South China Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 3180-3183, doi: 10.1002/grl.50381 (SCI, IF: 3.982) (18 June online) | PDF |
Hori, M.*, Ishikawa T., Nagaishi K., Lin K., Wang B.-S., You C.-F., Kano A., and Shen C.-C. (2013) Prior calcite precipitation and source mixing process influence Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr of a stalagmite developed in southwestern Japan during 18.0-4.5 ka. Chem. Geol., 347, 190-198. (SCI, IF: 3.154) | PDF |
Major, J.*, Harris R., Chang H.-W., Cox N., Shen C.-C., Nelson S. T., Prasetyadi C., and Rianto A. (2013) Quaternary hinterland evolution of the active Banda Arc: Surface uplift and neotectonic deformation recorded by coral terraces at Kisar, Indonesia. J. Asian Earth Sci., 73, 149-161, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.04.023. (SCI, IF: 2.379) | PDF |
Tan, L.*, Yi L., Cai Y., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., and An Z. (2013) Quantitative temperature reconstruction based on growth rate of annually-layered stalagmite: A case study from central China. Quat. Sci. Rev., 72, 137-145, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.04.022. (SCI, IF: 4.076) (Most downloaded articles #24, 2013 June-August) | PDF |
Cheng, H.*, Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Polyak V. J., Asmerom Y., Woodhead J., Hellstrom J., Wang Y., Kong X., and Spötl C. (2013) Improvements in 230Th dating, 230Th and 234U half-life values, and U-Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 371-372, 82-91, 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.006 (SCI, IF: 4.349) | PDF |
Jiang, X.*, He Y., Shen C.-C.*, Li Z., and Lin K. (2013) Replicated stalagmite-inferred centennial- to decadal-scale monsoon precipitation variability in southwest China since the mid Holocene. Holocene, 23, 841-849, doi:10.1177/0959683612471986 (SCI, IF: 3.218) (Most-read articles #28, 2013 Feb; #40, 2013 May) | PDF |
Wang, Y., Shyu J. B. H.*, Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Wang C.-C., Aung T., Lin Y.-N. N., Shen C.-C., Min S., Than O., Lin K. K., and Tun S. T. (2013) Permanent upper-plate deformation in western Myanmar during the great 1762 earthquake: Implications for neotectonic behavior of the northern Sunda megathrust. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1277-1303, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50121, 2013. (SCI, IF: 3.174) | PDF |
Demény, A.*, Siklósy Z., Schöll-Barna G., Sümegi P., Leel-Ossy Sz., Lin K., Shen C.-C., and Bajnóczi B. (2013) Mid-Holocene climate conditions and moisture source variations based on stable H, C and O isotope compositions of speleothems in Hungary. Quatern. Int., 293, 150-156, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.05.035. (SCI, IF: 1.962) | PDF |
Gong, S.-Y., Siringan F. P., Lin K., and Shen, C.-C.* (2013) An abrupt backreef infilling in a Holocene reef, Paraoir, Western Luzon, Philippines. Coral Reefs, 32, 293-303. doi:10.1007/s00338-012-0982-0. (SCI, IF: 3.662, T:0) | PDF |Lo, L., Lai Y.-H., Wei K.-Y., Mii H.-S., and Shen C.-C.* (2013) Persistent sea surface temperature and declined sea surface salinity in the northwestern tropical Pacific over the past 7,500 years. J. Asian Earth Sci., 66, 234-239, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.01.014. (SCI, IF: 2.379, T:0) (Top 25 Hottest Article, #9, January-March 2013) | PDF |
DeLong, K.*, Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2013) Improving coral-base paleoclimate reconstructions by replicating 350 years of coral Sr/Ca variations. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 373, 6-24, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.08.019. (SCI, IF: 2.745, T:2) | PDF |
Montero-Serrano, J.-C.*, Frank N., Tisnérat-Laborde N., Colin C., Wu C.-C., Lin K., Shen C.-C., Copard K., Orejas C., Gori A., Mol L. D., Rooij D. V., Reverdin G., and Douville E. (2013) Interannual-to-decadal changes in the mid-depth water mass dynamic of the Northeastern Atlantic margin (Bay of Biscay). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 364, 134-144. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:0) | PDF |
Hereid, K. A.*, Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., and Cheng H. (2013) Coral record of reduced El Niño activity in the early 15th to middle 17th centuries. Geology, 41, 51-54, doi:10.1130/G33510.1. (SCI, IF: 4.087, T:0) (Most-read articles #44, 2013 Jan) | PDF |
2012 -
Shen, C.-C.*, Wu C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Hsieh Y.-T., Gallet S., Chang C.-C., Li T.-Y., Lam D. D., Kano A., Hori M., and Spötl C. (2012) High-precision and high-resolution carbonate 230Th dating by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 99, 71-86, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.018. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:6) (Top 25 Hottest Article, #7, October-December 2012) | PDF |
DeLong, K.*, Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Lin K., and Shen C.-C.* (2012) Sea surface temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since AD 1649. Nature Climate Change, 2, 799-804, doi:10.1038/nclimate1583. (SCI, IF: 14.472, T:1) | PDF |
Dong, J.*, Shen C.-C., and Jiang X. (2012) An absolute-dated high-resolution paleoclimate record between 4400 and 150 a B.P. from Dragon Cave, East Loess Plateau. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 32, 1136-1141. | PDF |
Philibosian, B.*, Sieh K., Natawidjaja D. H., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Hill E. M., and Edwards R. L. (2012) An ancient shallow slip event on the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust, Sumatra. J. Geophys. Res. 117, B05401, doi:10.1029/2011JB009075. (SCI, IF: 3.174, T:0) | PDF |
Meltzner, A. J.*, Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Natawidjaja D. H., Philibosian, B., and Briggs R. W. (2012) Persistent termini of 2004- and 2005-like ruptures of the Sunda Megathrust. J. Geophys. Res., 117, B04405, doi:10.1029/2011JB008888. (SCI, IF: 3.174, T:5) | PDF |
Li, C.-H.#, Shen C.-C.#, Cheng Y.-W., Huang S.-H., Wu C.-C., Kao C.-C., Liao J.-W., and Kang J.-J.* (2012) Organ biodistribution, clearance, and genotoxicity of orally administered zinc oxide nanoparticles in mice. Nanotoxicology, 6, 746-756, doi:10.3109/17435390.2011.620717. (SCI, IF: 7.844, T:2) #These authors contributed equally to this work. | PDF |
Nishikawa, O.*, Furuhashi K., Masuyama M., Shiraishi T., and Shen C.-C. (2012) Radiocarbon dating of residual organic matter in travertine formed along Yumoto fault in Oga Peninsula, Northeast Japan: Implication for long-term hot spring activity under the influence of earthquake activity. Sediment. Geol., 243-244, 181-190. (SCI, IF: 1.802, T:2) | PDF |
Jiang, X., He Y., Shen C.-C.*, Kong X., Guo Y., Li Z., and Chang Y.-W. (2012) Stalagmite-inferred Holocene precipitation in northern Guizhou Province, China, and asynchronous termination of the climatic optimum in the Asian monsoon territory. Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 73-79. (SCI, IF: 1.319, T:1) | PDF |
2011 -
Kele. S.*, Scheuer G., Demény A., Shen C.-C., and Chiang H.-W. (2011) A Rózsadomb (Budapest) édesvízi mészköveinek U/Th sorozatos kormeghatározása és stabilizotóp-geokémiai vizsgálata (Uranium-series dating and geochemical study of the travertines located on the Rózsadomb Hill (Budapest)). Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society. , 141, 445-468. | PDF |
Michel, V.*, Shen G., Shen C.-C., Fornari M., Vérati C., Gallet S., and Sabatier D. (2011) The last Homo heidelbergensis and their descendants the Neanderthals: Orgnac 3, Lazaret and Zafarraya dating. Comptes Rendus Palevol., 10, 577-587. (SCI, IF: 1.009, T:3) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Wu C.-C., Liu Y., Yu J., Chang C.-C., Lam D. D., Chou C.-J., Lo L., and Wei K.-Y. (2011) Measurements of natural carbonate rare earth elements in femtogram quantities by inductive coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 83, 6842-6848. (SCI, IF: 5.695, T:1) | PDF |
Jiang, X., Li Zhizhong, Shen C.-C., and Li J. (2011) 2100-590 aBP stalagmite stable isotope records from Tian’e Cave and their regional climate significance. Marine Geol. & Quat. Geol., 31, 117-122. (in Chinese) | PDF |
Li, T.-Y., Shen C.-C. *, Li H.-C., Li J.-Y., Chiang H.-W., Song S.-R., Yuan D.-X., Wang J.-L., Ye M.-Y., Tang L.-L., and Xie S.-Y. (2011) Oxygen and carbon isotopic systematics of aragonite speleothems and water in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 4140-4156. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:5) | PDF |
Siklosy, Z.*, Demeny A., Leel-Ossy S., Szenthe I., Lauritzen S.E., and Shen C.-C. (2011) The dating of stalagmites and their palaeoclimatological significance. Földtani Közlöny, 141, 73-87. | PDF |
Siklosy, Z.*, Kern Z., Demeny A., Pilet S., Leel-Ossy S., Lin K., Shen C.-C., Szeles E, and Breitner D. (2011) Speleothem and pine tree as sensitive indicators of environmental pollution - a case study of the effect of uranium-ore mining in Hungary. Applied Geochem., 26, 666-678. (SCI, IF: 1.708, T:0) (Top 25 Hottest Article, #7, April-June 2011; Top 25 downloaded article in 2011) | PDF |
DeLong, K.*, Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2011) Response to comment on "A Snapshot of Climate Variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a Fossil Coral from IODP Expedition 310". Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 12, Q03013, doi:10.1029/2010GC003461. (SCI, IF: 2.939, T:1) | PDF |
Kuo, T.-S., Liu Z.-Q., Li H.-C., Wan N.-J., Shen C.-C., and Ku T.-L. (2011) Climate and environmental changes during the past millennium in central western Guizhou, China as recorded by stalagmite ZJD-21. J. Asian Earth Sci., 40, 1111-1120. (SCI, IF: 2.379, T:0) | PDF |
Wan, N.-J., Chung W., Li H.-C.*, Lin H., Ku T.-L., Shen C.-C., Yuan D., Zhang M., and Lin Y. (2011) Comparison of speleothem δ18O records from eastern China with solar insolation, ice core, and marine records: Similarities and discrepancies on different time scales. J. Asian Earth Sci., 40, 1151-1163. (SCI, IF: 2.379, T:1) | PDF |
Li, H.-C.*, Lee Z.-H., Wang N.-J., Shen C.-C., Li T.-Y., Yuang D.-X., and Chen Y.-H. (2011) The δ18O and δ13C records in an aragonite stalagmite from Furong Cave, Chongqing, China: A 2000-year record of monsoonal climate. J. Asian Earth Sci., 40, 1121-1130. (SCI, IF: 2.379, T:5) (Top 25 Hottest Article, #24, Jan-Mar 2011, Top 10, Nov 2011) | PDF |
Ludwig, K. A.*, Shen C.-C.*, Kelly D. S., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2011) U-Th systematics and 230Th ages of carbonate chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 1869-1888. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:11) | PDF |
Tan, L.*, Cai Y., An Z., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., and Zhang H. (2011) Centennial- to decadal-scale monsoon precipitation variability in the semi-humid region, northern China during the last 1860 years: Records from stalagmites in Huangye Cave. Holocene, 21, 287-296. (SCI, IF: 3.218, T:9) Most-Read Articles #33 during March 2011, #22 April 2011. | PDF |
Liu, Y., Peng Z.*, Wei G., Chen T., Sun W., He J., Liu G., Chou C.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2011) Interannual variation of rare earth element abundances in corals from northern coast of the South China Sea and its relation with sea level change and human activities. Marine Environmental Research, 71, 62-69. (SCI, IF: 2.337, T:2) | PDF |
Vargas, G., Palacios C.*, Reich M., Luo S., Shen C.-C., González G., and Wu Y.-C. (2011) U-series dating of co-seismic gypsum and submarine paleoseismology of active faults in northern Chile (23oS). Tectonophysics, 497, 34-44. (SCI, IF: 2.684, T:2) | PDF |
2010 -
Li, T.-Y., Li H.-C.*, Shen C.-C., Yang C.-X., Li J.-Y., Yi C.-C., Yuan D.-X., Wang J.-L., and Xie S.-Y. (2010) Primary study of the δD and δ18O characteristics of meteoric precipitation during 2006-2008 in Chongqing, China. Advances in Water Science, 21, 757-764. (in Chinese) (EI) | PDF |
Chang, T.-K., Shen C.-C., Chen S.-K., Lo Y.-C., Cheng B.-Y., Shyu G.-S., and Lin S.-C. (2010) Identifying pollution source of paddy soils by using lead isotope ratio measurements at Guandu, Taipei. J. Taiwan Agricultural Engineering, 56, 1-10. | PDF |
Shiao, J.-C.*, Wang S.-W., Yokawa K., Ichinokawa M., Takeuchi Y., Chen Y.-G., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Natal origin of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis inferred from otolith stable oxygen isotope composition. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 420, 207-219. (SCI, IF: 2.546, T:3) | PDF |
Chen, M.-T.*, Lin X. P., Chang Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Yokoyama Y., Oppo D. W., Thompson W. G., and Zhang R. (2010) Dynamic millennial-scale climate changes in the northwestern Pacific over the past 40,000 years. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L23603, doi:10.1029/2010GL045202. (SCI, IF: 3.982, T:4) | PDF |
Dasgupta, S.*, Saar M. O., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., and Alexander E. C. Jr. (2010) Three thousand years of extreme rainfall events recorded in stalagmites from Spring Valley Caverns, Minnesota. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 300, 46-54. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:4) | PDF |
Chiang, H.-W.*, Chen Y.-G., Fan T.-Y., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Change of the ENSO-related δ18O-SST correlation from coral skeletons in northern South China Sea: A possible influence from the Kuroshio Current. J. Asian Earth Sciences, 39, 684-691. (SCI, IF: 2.379, T:1) | PDF |
Meltzner, A. J.*, Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Natawidjaja D. H., Philibosian B. E., Briggs R. W., and Galezka J. (2010) Coral evidence for earthquake recurrence and an A.D. 1390-1455 cluster at the south end of the 2004 Aceh-Andaman rupture. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B10402, doi:10.1029/2010JB007499. (SCI, IF: 3.174, T:12) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Kano A., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G.S. (2010) East Asian monsoon evolution and reconciliation of climate records from Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation. Quat. Sci. Rev., 29, 3327-3335. (SCI, IF: 4.076, T:11) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C., Siringan, F. P., Lin K., Dai C.-F., and Gong S.-Y.* (2010) Sea-level rise and coral-reef development of northwestern Luzon since 9.9 ka. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 292, 465-473. (SCI, IF: 2.745, T:2) | PDF |
DeLong, K.*, Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2010) A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310. Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 11, doi:10.1029/2009GC002758. (SCI, IF: 2.939, T:6) | PDF |
Brazelton, W. J.*, Ludwing K. A., Sogin M. L., Andreishcheva E. N., Kelley D. S., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., and Baross J. A. (2010) Archaea and bacteria with surprising microdiversity show shifts in dominance over 1000-year time scales at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 1612-1617. (SCI, IF: 9.737, T:36) (highlighted by PNAS Media and Nature (2010, v463, p272), 1st story in “This Week in PNAS” (2010, v107, p1255-1256)). | PDF |
2009 -
Siklósy, Z.*, Demény A., Szenthe, I., Leél-Össsy S., Pilet S., Lin Y., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Reconstruction of climate variation for the last millennium in the Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary) from a stalagmite record. IDOJARAS, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 113, 245-263. (SCI, IF: 0.289, T:3) | PDF |
Zhou, H.*, Feng Y.-X., Zhao J.-X., Shen C.-C., You C.-F., and Lin Y. (2009) Deglacial variations of Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratio recorded by a stalagmite from Central China and their association with past climate and environment. Chem. Geol., 268, 233-247. (SCI, IF: 3.154, T:10) (most downloaded article, #12, Oct-Dec 2009) | PDF |
Kele., S., Demény A., Scheuer G., Shen C.-C., and Chiang H.-W. (2009) U-series dating and isotope geochemical study of the Gellert Hill (Budapest) travertine. Cent. Eur. Geology., 52, 199-224. | PDF |
Siklósy, Z., Demény A.*, Vennemann T. W., Pilet S., Kramers J., Leél-Össsy S., Bondár M., Shen C.-C., and Hegner E. (2009) Bronze Age volcanic event recorded in stalagmites by combined isotope and trace element studies. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 23, 801-808. (SCI, IF: 2.509, T:8) | PDF |
Frohlich, C.*, Hornbach M. J., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., Moala A., Morton A. E., and Kruger J. (2009) Huge erratic boulders in Tonga deposited by a prehistoric tsunami. Geology, 37, 131-134. (SCI, IF: 4.087, T:33) (ranking #5, The 50 most-frequently read articles, Geology; GSA Today highlight) | PDF |
2008 -
Shen, C.-C.*, Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Cheng H., Wang X., Edwards R. L., Lam D. D., Hsieh Y.-T., Fan T.-Y., Meltzner A. J., Taylor F. W., Quinn T. M., Chiang H.-W., and Kilbourne K. H. (2008) Erratum to “Variation of initial 230Th/232Th and limits of high precision U-Th dating of shallow-water corals”. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 6199. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:0) | PDF |
Sieh, K.*, Natawidjaja D. H., Meltzner A. J., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Galetzka J., Li K.-S., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2008) Earthquake supercycles inferred from sea-level changes in the corals of West Sumatra. Science, 322, 1674-1678. (SCI, IF: 31.027, T:61) | PDF |
Zhou, H.*, Zhao J., Zhang P., Shen C.-C., Chi B., Feng Y., Lin Y., Guan H., and You C.-F. (2008) Decoupling of stalagmite-derived Asian summer monsoon records from North Atlantic temperature change during marine oxygen isotope state 5d. Quat. Res., 70, 315-321. (SCI, IF: 2.515, T:8) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Cheng H., Wang X., Edwards R. L., Lam D. D., Hsieh Y.-T., Fan T.-Y., Meltzner A. J., Taylor F. W., Quinn T. M., Chiang H.-W., and Kilbourne K. H. (2008) Variation of initial 230Th/232Th and limits of high precision U-Th dating of shallow-water corals. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 4201-4223. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:43) | PDF |
Siklósy, Z.*, Demeny A., Pilet S., Leel-Ossy Sz., Lin K., and Shen, C.-C. (2008) Monitoring environmental pollution using a stalagmite from Hungary. PAGES, 16, 27-28. | PDF |
Li, T., Li H.-C.*, Li J., Yuan D., Wang J., Ye M., Tang L., Shen, C.-C., and Ye C. (2008) The δ13C and δ18O features and their significances of speleothems in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China. Geological Review, 54, 1-9. (in Chinese) | PDF |
2007 -
Shen, C.-C.*, Chiu H.-Y., Chiang H.-W., Chu M.-F., Wei K.-Y., Steinke S., Chen M.-T., Lin Y.-S., and Lo L. (2007) Erratum to “High precision measurements of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in carbonates by cold plasma inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry”. Chem. Geol., 240, 194-195. (SCI, IF: 3.154, T:0) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Chiu H.-Y., Chiang H.-W., Chu M.-F., Wei K.-Y., Steinke S., Chen M.-T., Lin Y.-S., and Lo L. (2007) High precision measurements of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in carbonates by cold plasma inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry. Chem. Geol., 236, 339-349. (SCI, IF: 3.154, T:12) (most downloaded article, #13, Jan-Mar, 2007). | PDF |
2006 -
Shen, C.-C.*, Lin H.-T., Chu M.-F., Yu E.-F., Wang X., and Dorale J. A. (2006) Measurements of natural uranium concentration and isotopic composition with permil-level precision by inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry. Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 7, Q09005, doi:10.1029/2006GC001303. (SCI, IF: 2.939, T:5) | PDF |
Hall, I. R.*, Moran S. B., Zahn R., Knutz P. C., Shen C.-C., and Edwards R. L. (2006) Accelerated drawdown of meridional overturning in the late-glacial Atlantic triggered by transient pre-H event freshwater perturbation. Geophy. Res. Lett., 33, L16616, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026239. (SCI, IF: 3.982, T:40) | PDF |
Cai, Y.*, An Z., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Kelly M. J., Liu W., Wang X., and Shen C.-C. (2006) High-resolution absolute-dated Indian Monsoon record between 53 and 36 ka from Xiaobailong Cave, Southwestern China. Geology, 34, 621-624. (SCI, IF: 4.087, T:29) | PDF |
Lin, Y.-S., Wei K.-Y.*, Lin I.-T., Yu P.-S., Chiang H.-W., Chen C.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., and Chen Y.-G. (2006) The Holocene Pulleniatina Minimum Event revisited: Geochemical and faunal evidence from the Okinawa Trough and upper reaches of the Kuroshio current. Marine Micropaleontology, 59, 153-170. (SCI, IF: 1.925, T:27) | PDF |
Steinke, S.*, Chiu H.-Y., Yu P.-S., Shen C.-C., Erlenkeuser H., and Chen M.-T. (2006) On the influence of sea level and monsoon climate on the southern South China Sea freshwater budget over the past 22,000 years. Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, 1475-1488. (SCI, IF: 4.076, T:35) | PDF |
2005 -
Steinke, S.*, Chiu H.-Y., Yu P.-S., Shen C.-C., Lowemark L., Mii H.-S., and Chen M.-T. (2005) Mg/Ca ratios of two Globigerinoides ruber (white) morphotypes: Implications for reconstructing past tropical/subtropical surface water conditions. Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 6, Q11005, doi: 10.1029/2005GC000926. (SCI, IF: 2.939, T:40) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Liu K.-K., Lee M.-Y., Lee T., Wang C.-H., and Lee H.-J. (2005) A novel method for tracing coastal water masses using Sr/Ca ratios and salinity: A case study in Nanwan Bay, Southern Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 65, 135-142. (SCI, IF: 2.324, T:5) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Lee T., Liu K.-K., Hsu H.-H., Edwards R. L., Wang C.-H., Lee M.-Y., Chen Y.-G., Lee H.-J. and Sun H.-T. (2005) An evaluation of quantitative reconstruction of past precipitation records using coral skeletal Sr/Ca and δ18O data. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 237, 370-386. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:23) | PDF |
Moran, S. B.*, Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L. Edmonds H. N., and, Smith J. N. (2005) 231Pa and 230Th in surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean: Implications for 231Pa /230Th fractionation, boundary scavenging, and advective export. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 234, 235-248. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:17) | PDF |
Cai, Y.-J.*, Cheng H.., An Z. S., Edwards R. L., Wang X., and Shen C.-C. (2005) The study on the initial thorium correction of the 230Th-234U-238U dating of the speleothem by using isochron method. Advances in Earth Science, 20, 414-420. | PDF |
2004 -
Wang, X.*, Auler A. S., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Cristalli P. S., Smart P. L., Richards D. A., and Shen C.-C. (2004) Wet periods in northeastern Brazil over the past 210 kyr linked to distant climate anomalies. Nature, 432, 740-743. (SCI, IF: 38.597, T:244) (SCI all-field highly cited paper) | PDF |
Wehmiller, J. F.*, Simmons K. R., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Martin-McNaughton J., York L. L., Krantz D. E., and Shen C.-C. (2004) Uranium-series coral ages from the US Atlantic Coastal Plain – the “80 ka problem” revisited. Quaternary International, 120, 3-14. (SCI, IF: 1.962, T:24) | PDF |
Dorale, J. A.*, Edwards R. L., Alexander E. C. Jr., Shen C.-C., Richards D. A., and Cheng H. (2004) Uranium-series disequilibrium dating of speleothems: Current techniques, limits, and applications. In: Mylroie, J. and Sasowsky, I. D. (eds.), Studies of Cave Sediments: Physical and Chemical Records of Paleoclimate, 177-197, Geol. Soc. Am. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NY. | PDF |
2003 -
Shen, C.-C.*, Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Moran S. B., Edmonds H. N., Hoff J. A., and Thomas R. B. (2003) Measurement of attogram quantities of 231Pa in dissolved and particulate fractions of seawater by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectroscopy. Anal. Chem., 75, 1075-1079. (SCI, IF: 5.695, T:41) (“one of the most powerful in existence” BASE PEAK,; “Top 1 article published in the same domain since publication” by BioMedLib). | PDF |
2002 -
Adkins, J. F.*, Kashgarian M., Cheng H., Druffel E. R. M., Boyle E. A., Griffin S., Edwards R. L. and Shen C.-C. (2002) Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea corals. Radiocarbon, 44, 567-580. (SCI, IF: 1.065, T:22) | PDF |
Moran, S. B.*, Shen C.-C., Edmonds H. N., Weinstein S. E., Smith J. N., and Edwards R. L. (2002) Dissolved and particulate 231Pa and 230Th in the Atlantic Ocean: constraints on intermediate/deep water age, boundary scavenging, and 231Pa /230Th fractionation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 203, 999-1014. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:41) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Dorale J. A., Thomas R. B., Moran S. B., Weinstein S. E., and Hirschmann M. (2002) Uranium and thorium isotopic and concentration measurements by magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Chem. Geol., 185, 165-178. (SCI, IF: 3.154, T:217) (most downloaded article, #16). (SCI all-field highly cited paper) | PDF |
Regattieri, E.*, Forti L., Drysdale R. N., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., Cornacchia I., Agostini S., Isola I., Barbaro C. C., Morandi-Bonacossi D., Koliński R. and Zerboni A. (2025) A speleothem record from the Fertile Crescent preserves global dynamic of the last deglaciation and local inference on the Neolithization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (submitted)
Crosetto, S.*, Faccenna C., Ballato P., Shen C.-C., Hu H.-M., Mouslopoulou V. and Begg J. (2025) Kinematic evolution of the Cephalonia-Lefkada Transform Fault zone: Surface expression of slab deformation. Tectonics. (submitted)
Stendardi*, F., Asti1 F., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., Viola G. and Vignaroli G. (2025) Middle-Late Pleistocene transverse faults in wedge-top units of the Northern Apennines (Italy): Implications on orogen-parallel extension during the foreland-ward migration of the compression-extension pair. Journal of the Geological Society of London. (submitted)
Zanchetta, G.*, Isola I., Hu H.-M., Bini M., Columbu A., Drysdale R. Luppichini M. Natali S. Regattieri E., Shen C.-C., Santis N. D., Hellstrom J., Pennos C., Perchiazzi N., Masi A., Wagner B., Milevski I., Temosvski M., and Izdebski A. (2025) The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Balkans: evidence from Golubarnica Cave in the Jakupica Massif (North Macedonia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. (submitted)
Kilbourne, K. H.*, Weil-Accardo J., Feuillet N., Deschamps P., Xu Y.-Y., Shen C.-C., Sun H., Halley R. B., Atwater B. F. (2025) Dating a Medieval tsunami with uranium-series techniques on Caribbean corals. Geophysical Research Letters. (submitted)
Chung, Y.-C., Dhaouadi H., Marino G., Sbei E., Lone M. L. Ouezdou H. B., Seppä H., Kaakinen A., and Shen C.-C.* (2025) Three hundred thousand years of hydroclimate change in Northern Africa. Communications Earth & Environment. (in review)
Domeyko, R. A.*, Partin J. W., Okumura Y., Thirumalai K., DiNezio P. N., Lawman A. E., Taylor F. W., Liu D., Vetter L., Maupin C. R., Garaebiti E., Kalo A., Kotra K. K., Zuraw L. A., Hu H.-M., Inoue M., Edwards R. L., and Shen C.-C.* (2025) Deglacial-aged corals point to weaker El Niño in a colder world. Science Advances. (in review)
Yuan, S.*, Dung N. C., He S., Ha V., Shen C.-C., Lam D. D., and Wang X. (2025) The hydroclimate and environmental changes associated with GS20 and Toba eruption in the Indo-Pacific region. Global and Planetary Changes. (submitted)
Hu, H.-M.*, Shen C.-C.*, Cheng H., Woodhead J., Edwards R. L., Zhao J.-x., Huang C.-Y., Lu P.-Y., Chien W.-Y., Wang J., Jia X., Yokoyama Y., Cai Y. and Zachariáš J. (2025) Sub-epsilon natural 234U/238U measurements refine the 234U half-life and the U-Th geochronology. Science Advances. (in review)
Waele, J. D.*, Shen C.-C., Vigna B., Fiorucci A., Marini P., Huang C.-Y., and Hu H.-M. (2025) Speleogenesis of the Valdemino Cave (Borgio Verezzi, Liguria, Northern Italy) shows very slow uplift of this coast since Middle Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. (submitted)
Zhang, F., Wang H., Shen C.-C.*, Lin J., Zhou K., Chen Y., Bao K., and Li X.* (2025) Human settlement doubled global oceanic island erosion and fire regimes during the early colonization stage. Science Advances. (in review)
Watanabe T. K.*, Pfeiffer M., Yamazaki A., Garbe-Schönberg D., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., Ito S., and Watanabe T. (2025) Last interglacial summer heat restricted human migration. Nature Human Behaviour. (SCI)(submitted)
Shyu, J. B. H.*, Hsieh P.-K., Ramos N. T., Chiang H.-W., Liu S.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2025) Uplifted late Quaternary marine terraces along the southern coast of Bohol Island, central Philippines, and their active tectonic implications. Geoscience Letters. (in review)
Debaecker, S.*, Feuillet N., Satake K., Sowa K., Yamada M., Sato T., Nakamura M., Watanabe A., Saiki A., Saurel J.-M., Occhipinti G., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2025) Evidences of megathrust earthquakes and seismic supercycles in tropical Japan from millennia-old coral microatolls. Nature Communications. (submitted)
Lee, P.-T., Ho S. L.*, Groeneveld J., Mohtadi M., Shen C.-C., and Su C.-C. (2025) Effect of cleaning procedures on the Mg/Ca ratio of single-specimen planktic foraminifera. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. (submitted)
Wang, S.-L.*, Lee Y.-Y., Shen C.-C., Yen I-C., Wang S.-W., Yang Y.-C., Burr G. S., and Shyu J. B. H. (2025) Marine reservoir age correction (ΔR) for the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea since the early Mid-Holocene. Radiocarbon. (submitted)
Wang, C.-Y., Li J.-Y., Chen C.-J.*, Zhang J., Wu Y., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., and Li T.-Y.* (2025) Evolution of the Asian summer monsoon and regional karst ecological environment since the Middle Ages. Scientific Reports. (in review)
Chen, C.-J., Wu Y., Li J.-Y.*, Zhang H.-W.*, Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Ning Y.-F., Yuan D.-X., Edwards R. L., Zhang J., and Li T.-Y.* (2025) The 4.2 ka event in East Asian monsoon region, precisely reconstructed by multi-proxies of stalagmite. Quaternary Science Reviews. (2nd review)
Chiang, H.-W.#, Chen Y.-G.#, Lee S.-Y.*, Nguyen D. C.*, Shen C.-C., and Doan L. D. (2025) Speleothem evidence of solar modulation on the south Asia monsoon intensity. Nature Communications. #contributed equally. (submitted)
Huang, W.*, He Y., Jiang X., Wang X., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Wang Y., and Liu G. (2025) Stalagmite-based rare earth elements geochemistry from southwestern China and its implications for palaeoenvironment. Environmental Research. (SCI)(submitted)
Maxwell, K.*, Rovere A., Westphal H., Garas K., Guinto M., Chauveau D., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2025) Relative sea-level changes and reef development in the northern Coral Triangle during the late Quaternary. Geomorphology. (SCI)(submitted)
Lu, Y., Paulmann C., Hu H.-M., Yang Y., Xu X., Chou Y.-M., Shen C.-C., Lin Z., Peckmann J., and Liu Q.* (2025) Sulphidic conditions promote dolomite formation at methane seeps within hundreds of thousand years. Geology. (SCI)(submitted)
Chen, C.-J., Wu Y., Li J.-Y., Zhang H.-W., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Ning Y.-F., Yuan D.-X., Edwards R. L., Zhang J., and Li T.-Y.* (2025) Extreme climate events and the Bronze (Sanxingdui) Civilization in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (SCI)(submitted).
Hu, H.-M.*, Marino G.*, Goñi M. F. S., Rohling E., Rodrigues T., Pérez-Mejías C., Jiang X., Michel V., Valensi P., Starnini E., Zunino M., Salonen J. S., Hsieh C.-J., Chaigneau B., Chevalier M., and Shen C.-C.* (2025) Protracted ocean circulation slowdown drove exceptional ice-sheet melting ~340 thousand years ago. Nature Communications. (SCI)(in review)
Ito, S.*, Watanabe T. K., Yamazaki A., Shen C.-C., and Watanabe T. (2025) The Northwestern Pacific corals unravel the NPGO/Victoria Mode-related temperature back to the 19th century. Scientific Reports. (SCI)(in 2nd review)
Zhang, M.*, Medina-Elizalde M.*, Burns S., Polanco-Martinez J., Karmalkar A., McGee D., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2025) Linkages between atmospheric CO2, hydroclimate, and methane production. Nature Geoscience. (SCI)(in 2nd review)
Aratman C.*, Özkul M., Baykara M. O., Shen C.-C., and Swennen R. (2025) An Integrated Approach of Early Diagenesis Processes and Reservoir Characterisation in Sub-Horizontal and Mound Travertine Geobodies: A Case Study from Quaternary Aşağıdağdere Travertine Quarry (Denizli Basin, Turkey). Petroleum Geoscience. (SCI) (in 2nd review)
Ranasinghe, P.N.*, Ambillapitiya L. H. M. T. M. B., Li T., Ranasinghe G. K., Liu S.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2025) The last interglacial and mid-Holocene sea level variability in the northern Indian Ocean and the influence of hydro-isostasy. Quaternary Science Reviews. (in press)
De Waele, J*, Shen C.-C., Vigna B., Fiorucci A., Paola M., Huang C.-Y., and Hu H.-M. (2025) Speleogenesis of the Valdemino Cave (Borgio Verezzi, Liguria, Northern Italy) shows very slow uplift of this coast since Middle Pleistocene. Geomorphology 463, 109636. March 15
Xue, Y.-X., Wu Y.*, Chen C.-J., Li J.-Y., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Zhang J. and Li T.-Y.* (2025) Evolution of the Asian summer monsoon during the Heinrich events 1-6. Global and Planetary Change 245, 104680. Feb
Pfeiffer, M.*, Takayanagi H., Reuning L., Watanabe T. K., Ito S., Garbe-Schönberg S., Watanabe T., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Zinke J., Brummer G.-J., and Cahyarini S. Y. (2025) A sub-fossil coral Sr/Ca record documents northern shifts of the Tropical Convergence Zone in the eastern Indian Ocean. Climate of the Past 21, 211-237. Jan
Azharuddin, S.*, Omine K., Masaka K., Asami R., Lone M. A., Chou Y.-C., Shen C.-C., and Uemura R.* (2024) Evidence for multidecadal hydroclimate responses to volcanic forcing in the Mid-Holocene. Communications Earth & Environment. (SCI)(in press)
Arriga, G.*, Marchegiano M., Peral M., Hu H.-M., Cosentino D., Shen C.-C., Dalton H., Brilli M., Aldega L., Claeys P. and Rossetti F. (2024) Long-term tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a propagating rift system, L’Aquila Intermountain Basin (Central Apennines). Tectonics 43, e2024TC008548.
Chen, W.-L.*, Tai H.-Y., Chan C.-C., Lin H.-C., Hung T.-H., Tsai M.-H., Wei C.-C., Hang Y.-S., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Changes in the small-molecule fingerprints of rice planted near an industrial explosion site in Taiwan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31, Dec 3
Tung, R.-Y.#, Ho S. L.#*, Kubota Y., Yamamoto M., Hefter J., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Replicability of paleotemperature records in the northern Okinawa Trough and its implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 11, 61. Nov 25
Reddy, A. P., Gandhi N.*, Kumar C. S., Narayana J. and Shen C.-C. (2024) The extreme monsoon climate and associated ancient communities, kingdoms, irrigational advancement in Deccan India during the late Holocene. Regional Environmental Change 24, 169. Nov 22
Gusmeo, T., Carloni G., Vignaroli G.*, Martelli L., Hu H.-M. Shen C.-C., and Viola G. (2024) Recent and active faulting along the exposed front of the Northern Apennines (Italy): New insights from field and geochronological constraints. Tectonophysics 891, 230517. Nov 21
Zhang, X., Qiu W., Jiang X.*, Cai B., Shen C.-C. (2024) East Asian summer monsoon evolution during Heinrich Stadial 5. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 654, 112467. Nov 15
Ocakoğlu, F.*, Tuncay E., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Middle Holocene Göynük landslide (NW Anatolia): Geomorphological frame, failure mechanism, and a large (Mw7.9) earthquake trigger from the North Anatolian Fault. Geomorphology 463, 109370. Oct 15
Ikeda, M., Yamazaki A., Omori K., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., and Watanabe T.*, (2024) Regime shift of skeletal δ13C after 1997/1998 El Nino event in Porites coral from Green Island, Taiwan. Scientific Reports 14, 23332. Oct 7
Shen, C.-C.#*, Beardsley F. #, Gong S.-Y., Kataoka O., Yoneda M., Yokoyama Y., Hu H.-M., Huang C.-Y., Liu S.-C., Chiang H.-W., Wei H.-L., Chung Y.-C., Jiang L., Lin A. Y.-M., Fox J., David M., Lebehn J., Barnabas J., Kohler G., Richards Z. T., Hobbs J.-P. A., and McCoy M. D. (2024) Links between climatic histories and the rise and fall of a Pacific chiefdom. PNAS Nexus 3, gae399. #These authors contributed equally to this work. Oct 1(highlighted by Science Editor’s Choice on Oct. 25, Societal Collapse: Hidden drivers.)
Brogi, A.*, Kele S., Capezzuoli E., Zucchi M., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Clastic injectites and seismic-induced liquefaction in latest Quaternary travertine deposits (Serre di Rapolano, Italy). International Geology Review 1–26. Sept 29.
Wang, T., Yao P.-H., Shen C.-C., Chawchai S., Torfstein A., Sinha A., Xu H., Yu T.-L., Lin F., Wang X., Li D., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., An Z., and Tan L.* (2024) Corrigendum to “Anthropogenically-induced atmospheric Pb cycle in low-latitude Asia since the Industrial Revolution recorded by high-resolution stalagmites.” [Global and Planetary Change 232, 104337.] Sept 10
Brogi, A.*, Vannoli P., Zucchi M., Burrato P., Fracassi U., Valensise G., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Reappraising the seismogenic potential of a low-strain rate region: Active faulting in the eastern Siena Basin (southern Tuscany, Italy). Tectonophysics 886, 230423. Sept 6
Pieruccini, P., Forti L.*, Mecozzi B.*, Iannucci A., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Bona F., Lembo G., Muttilo B., Sardella R., and Mazzini I. (2024) Correction: Stratigraphic reassessment of Grotta Romanelli sheds light on Middle-Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and human settling in the Mediterranean. Scientific Reports 14, 19923. Aug 27
Wu, C.-C.*, Shen C.-C., Detlef Günther, and Bodo Hattendorf* (2024) LA-ICPMS for in situ U-Th dating of Holocene stalagmites. Analytical Chemistry 96, 12640-12648. Selected as one of cover studies. August 7
Hu, H.-M.*, Marino G.*, Pérez-Mejías C., Spötl C., Yokoyama Y., Yu J., Rohling E., Kano A., Ludwig P., Pinto J. G., Michel V., Valensi P., Zhang X., Jiang X., Mii H.-S., Chien W.-Y., Tsai H.-C., Sung W.-H., Hsu C.-H., Starnini E., Zunino M., and Shen C.-C.* (2024) Sustained North Atlantic warming drove anomalously intense MIS 11c interglacial. Nature Communications 15, 5933. July 15. One of Earth science featured articles within Nature Communications.
Isola, I.*, Bini M., Columbu A., Vito M. A. D., Giaccio B. Hu H.-M., Martini F., Pasquetti F., Sarti L., Mulè F., Mazzoleni A., Shen C.-C., and Zanchetta G. (2024) Last Interglacial and MIS 9e relative sea-level highstands in the Central Mediterranean: A reappraisal from coastal cave deposits in the Cilento area, Southern Italy. Quaternary Science Advances 15, 100212. June 19 online.
Sbei, E., Ouezdou H. B.*, Lone M., Chung Y.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2024) Contribution of endokarstic deposits to the reconstruction of the paleo-morphologies of an epigenic endo-karst: The example of La Mine Cave of Jbel Es Serj (Central Tunisia). Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Liège 82, 5-18. May 21
Demény, A.*, Czuppon G., Kern Z., Hatvani I., Topál D., Karlik M., Surányi G., Molnár M., Kiss G., Szabó M., Shen C.-C., Hu H.-M., and May Z. (2024) A speleothem record of seasonality and moisture transport around the 8.2 ka event in Central Europe (Vacska Cave, Hungary). Quaternary Research 118, 195-210. March
Yang, H., Chou Y.-M.*, Jiang X.*, Zheng W., He Y., Banerjee Y., Shen C.-C., Yu T.-L., Zhong Y., Li Y., Humbert F., and Liu Q. (2024) Chinese stalagmite δ18O records reveal the diverse moisture trajectories during the middle to late last glacial period. Geological Magazine 161, 1-13. Feb 19
Lin, K.*, Han T., Zhang Y., Shen C.-C., Lee S.-Y., Wang J., Mohtar A. T., Huang K.-F., Chiang H.-W., Chen Y.-G.*, and Wang X. (2024) Influences of East Asian winter monsoon and El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability on the Kuroshio intrusion to the South China Sea over the past 60 years. Geophysical Research Letters 51, e2023GL104155. Jan 11
Wang, T., Yao P.-H., Shen C.-C., Chawchai S., Torfstein A., Sinha A., Xu H., Yu T.-L., Lin F., Wang X., Li D., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., An Z., and Tan L.* (2024) Anthropogenically-induced atmospheric Pb cycle in low-latitude Asia since the Industrial Revolution recorded by high-resolution stalagmites. Global and Planetary Change 232, 104337. Jan
Giaccio, B.*, Bini M., Isola I., Hu H.-M., Rolfo M. F., Shen C.-C., Ferracci A., Monaco L., Pasquetti F., and Zanchetta G. (2024) Constraining the end of the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level highstand in central Mediterranean: New data from Grotta delle Capre, central Italy. Global and Planetary Change 232, 104321. Jan
Huang, H.-M., Shih Y.-H., Chen H.-F.*, Lee H.-Y., Fang J.-N., Shen C.-C., and Yu B.-S. (2023) Revealing the secrets behind the color and sea-wave patterns of Larimar. Minerals 13, 1221. Sept 17
Michel, V.*, Shen G., Shen C.-C., Duval M., Woodhead J., Chou Y.-M., Hu H.-M., Wu C.-C., Kan Y.-C., Yang H., Yu T.-L., and Gallet S. (2023) Highlighting of the chronological framework of two major prehistoric sites of the Paleolithic: The caves of Lazaret and Vallonnet. the Proceedings of the CUM (Centre Universitaire Méditérranénen) Symposium (Nice, October 2020, dir. H. de Lumley, A. Echassoux).
Yang, S., Chen S.*, Wang Y., Shao Q., Tan L., Zhang Z., Zhao K., Wang Z., Liang Y., Zhai X., Shen C.-C., and Edwards R. L. (2023) Millennial-scale changes in Asian monsoon during the MIS 12 period as recorded by a Chinese stalagmite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 626, 111698. Sept 15
Chen, W.-H.*, Ren H.*, Chiang J. C. H., Wang Y.-L., Cai-Li R.-Y., Chen Y.-C., Shen C.-C., Taylor F. W., DeCarlo T. M., Wu C.-R., Mii H.-R., and Wang X. T. (2023) Increased tropical South Pacific western boundary current transport over the past century. Nature Geoscience 16, 590-596. J. June 26
Rolfo, M. F., Bini M., Mario F. D., Ferracci A., Giaccio B.*, Hu H.-M., Ilaria I., Sadori L., Shen C.-C., Vignola C., and Zanchetta G. (2023) Neanderthal bones collected by hyena at Grotta Guattari, central Italy, 66-65 ka: U/Th chronology and paleoenvironmental setting. Quaternary Science Reviews 311, 108132. July 1
Debaecker, S.*, Feuillet N., Satake K., Sowa K., Yamada M., Watanabe A., Saiki A., Saurel J.-M., Nakamura M., Occhipinti G., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2023) Recent relative sea-level changes recorded by coral microatolls in Southern Ryukyus islands, Japan: Implication for the seismic cycle of the megathrust. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2022GC010587. June 22
Kimbrough, A. K.*, Gagan M. K., Dunbar G. B., Hantoro W. S., Shen C.-C., Hu H.-M., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Rifai H., and Suwargadi B. W. (2023) Multi-proxy validation of glacial-interglacial rainfall variations in southwest Sulawesi. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 210. June 13
Vieira, D. S. C., Pivko D., Rinyu L., Palcsu L., Kiss G. I., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., and Kele S.* (2023) Age and depositional temperature of quaternary travertine spring mounds from Slovakia. Minerals 13, 794. June 10
Chiang, H.-W.*, Philibosian B#, Meltzner A. J.#, Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., Chuang C.-K., Suwargadi B. W., and Natawidjaja D. H. (2023) Investigating spatio-temporal variability of initial 230Th/232Th in intertidal corals. Quaternary Science Reviews 307, 108005. #contributed equally to this work. May 1
Kato, H.*, Mori T., Amekawa S., Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., and Kano A. (2023) Coevolutions of terrestrial temperature and monsoonal precipitation amounts from the latest Pleistocene to the mid-Holocene in Japan: Carbonate clumped isotope record of a stalagmite. Chemical Geology 622, 121390. April 5
Li, X., Ma J., Liu Y.*, Hu S.*, Sun W., Nan F., and Shen C.-C. (2023) Monthly-resolved coral δ13C and δ18O record changes of Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 615, 111468. April 1
Duan, R., Li T.-Y.*, Li J.-Y.*, Spötl C., Li H.-C., Wang H.-B., Cheng H., Ning Y.-F., Shen C.-C., Zhou J.-L., Chen C.-J., Yu T.-L., Edwards R. L., and Liu Z.-Q. (2023) Karst-ecological changes during the middle and late Holocene in Southwest China revealed by δ18O and δ13C records in a stalagmite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 615, 111437. April 1
Hu, H.-M., Shen C.-C.*, Chiang, J. C. H., Trouet V., Michel V., Tsai H.-C., Valensi P., Spötl C., Starnini E., Zunino M., Chien W.-Y., Sung W.-H., Chien Y.-T., Chang P., and Korty R. (2023) Author Correction: Split westerlies over Europe in the early Little Ice Age. Nature Communications 14, 1583. March 22
Li, X., Zeng Z., Liu Y.*, Shen C.-C., Sun R., Chang C.-C., Sun W., Yu H.-M., Huang F., Wu C.-C., Yu T.-L., Huang C.-Y., and Chiang H.-W.* (2023) Coral record of increased soil erosion since East and Southeast Asia economic boom. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 128, e2022JC019397. March 9
DeLong, K. L.*, Palmer K., Wagner A. J., Weerabaddana M. M., Slowey N., Herrmann A. D., Duprey N., Martinez-Garcia A., Jung J., Hajdas I., Rose N. L., Roberts S. L., Roberts S. L., Cundy A. B., Gaca P. Milton J. A., Yang H., Turner S. D., Huang C.-Y., Shen C.-C., and Zinke J. (2023) The Flower Garden Banks Siderastrea siderea coral as a candidate Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene series. The Anthropocene Review 10, 225-250. Feb 21
Wu, Y., Li T.-Y.*, Li J.-Y. *, Cheng H., Ning Y.-F., Shen C.-C., Zhao J.-Y., Chen C.-J., Liang M.-Q., Xiao S.-Y., Qiu H.-Y., Xu Y.-Z., Huang Y.-Y., Yu T.-L., and Edwards R. L. (2023) Variations in Asian summer monsoon and hydroclimate during HE4 revealed by stalagmite stable isotopes and trace elements. Quaternary Science Reviews 299, 107869. Jan 1
Gao, K., Jiang X.*, He Y., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., and Zhang X. (2023) Strong link between Asian summer monsoon and westerlies for the past 4,750 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 609, 111329. Jan 1
Columbu, A.*, Spötl C., Fohlmeister J., Hu H.-M., Chiarini V., Hellstrom J., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., and De Waele J. (2022) Central Mediterranean rainfall varied with high northern latitude temperatures during the last deglaciation. Communications Earth & Environment. (in press)
Hu, H.-M., Shen C.-C.*, Chiang, J. C. H., Trouet V., Michel V., Tsai H.-C., Valensi P., Spötl C., Starnini E., Zunino M., Chien W.-Y., Sung W.-H., Chien Y.-T., Chang P., and Korty R. (2022) Split westerlies over Europe in the early Little Ice Age. Nature Communications. (in press)
Chung, Y.-C., Menviel L., Marchionne A., Mii H.-S., Michel V., Valensi P., Jiang X., Simon P., Rossoni-Notter E., Moussous A., Seppä H., Chien Y.-T., We C.-C., Hu H.-M.*, and Shen C.-C.* (2022) Stalagmite-inferred European westerly drift in the early Weichselian with centennial-scale variability in marine isotope stage 5a, Quaternary Science Reviews 288, 107581. July 15
Hu, H.-M., Michel V., Valensi P., Mii H.-S., Starnini E., Zunino M., and Shen C.-C.* (2022) Stalagmite-inferred climate in the western Mediterranean during the Roman Warm Period. Climate. 10, 93. June 23
Sun, H.*, Shen C.-C., Wu C.-C., Chen B., Yin J., Yan H., Dong J., An D., Tang S., and Zhang Q. (2022) Subannual-to-biannual-resolved travertine record of Asian Summer Monsoon dynamics in the early Holocene at the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. Applied Geochemistry 141, 105305. June
Pathak, P., Ghosh P.*, Swaraj A., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2022) Role of carbon and sulfur biogeochemical cycles on the seasonal arsenic mobilization process in the shallow groundwater of the Bengal aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 141, 105322. June
Pereira, N. S., Clarke L. J., Chiessi C. M., Kilbourne K. H., Crivellari S., Cruz F. W., Campos J. L. P. S., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Kikuchi R. K. P., Pinheiro B. R., Longo G. O., Sial A. N., and Felis T. (2022) Mid to late 20th century freshening of the western tropical South Atlantic triggered by southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 597, 111013. July 1.
Nguyen, D. C., Lee S.-Y., Chen Y.-G.*, Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Wang X., Lam D. D., and Lin Y. (2022) Precipitation response to Heinrich Event-3 in a low-latitude Indochina as revealed in a high-resolution speleothem record. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 7, 100090. June 1
Qiu, W., Zhang X., Jiang X.*, Hu H.-M., Ma L., Xiao H., Cai B., and Shen C.-C.* (2022) Double-plunge structure of East Asian summer monsoon during Heinrich stadial 1 recorded in Xianyun Cave, southeastern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 282, 107442. April 15
Dong, J.*, Shen C.-C.*, Wang Y., Hu H.-M. Banerjee Y., and Huang W. (2022) Multicentennial to millennial–scale changes in the East Asian summer monsoon during Greenland interstadial 25. Quaternary Research 1-12. doi: March 15
Vignaroli, G.*, Rossetti F., Petracchini L., Argante V., Bernasconi S. M., Brilli M., Giustini F., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., and Soligo M. (2022) Middle Pleistocene fluid infiltration with 10-15 ka recurrence within the seismic cycle of the active Monte Morrone Fault System (central Apennines, Italy). Tectonophysics 827, 229269. March 20
Abram, N. J.*, Wright N. M., Ellis B., Dixon B. C., Wurtzel J. B., England M. H., Ummenhofer C. C., Philibosian B., Cahyarini S. Y., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., and Heslop D. (2022) Author Correction: Coupling of Indo-Pacific climate variability over the last millennium. Nature 602, E20. March 9 online, Jan 12
Zhang, X., Qiu W., Jiang X.*, Hu H.-M., Xiao H., Cai B., and Shen C.-C.* (2021) Three-phase structure of the East Asia summer monsoon during Heinrich Stadial 4 recorded in Xianyun Cave, southeastern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 274, 107267. Dec 15
Weerabaddana, M. M., DeLong K. L.*, Wagner A. J., Loke D. W. Y. K., Kilbourne K. H., Slowey N., Hu H.-M., and Shen C.-C. (2021) Insights from barium variability in a Siderastrea siderea coral in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 112930. Dec
Asami, R.*, Hondo A., Uemura R., Fujita M., Yamasaki S., Shen C.-C., Wu C.-C., Jiang X., Takayanagi H., Shinjo R., Kano A., and Iryu Y. (2021) Last glacial temperature reconstructions using coupled isotopic analyses of fossil snails and stalagmites from archaeological caves in Okinawa, Japan. Scientific Reports 11, 21922. Nov 9
Liu, S.-C., Shyu J. B. H.*, and Shen C.-C. (2021) Paleo-earthquake records of the Hengchun offshore structure, southern Taiwan, revealed by uplifted coral colonies. Tectonophysics 817, 229049. October 20 (Most downloaded article #20)
Deocampo, D. M.*, Owen R. B., Lowenstein T. K., Renaut R. W., Rabideaux N. M., Billingsley A., Cohen A., Deino A. L., Sier M. J., Luo S., Shen C.-C., Gebregiorgis D., Campisano C. and Mbuthia A. (2021) Orbital control of Pleistocene euxinia in Lake Magadi, Kenya. Geology 49, G49140.1. 20
Michel, V.*, Shen G., Shen C.-C., Duval M., Woodhead J., Chou Y.-M., Hu H.-M., Wu C.-C., Kan Y.-C., Yang H., Yu T.-L., and Gallet S. (2021) Highlighting of the chronological framework of two major prehistoric sites of the Paleolithic: The caves of Lazaret and Vallonnet. the Proceedings of the Symposium (Nice, October 2020). (accepted)
Lo, L.*, Chang T.-L., Su Y.-C., Chuang C.-K., Shen C.-C., and Mii H.S. (2021) A dataset of the mid-brunhes period at site MD05-2925, Solomon Sea: Surface-subsurface planktonic foraminifera stable C-O isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios. Data in Brief 38, 107283. Oct.
Li, T.-Y.*, Baker J. L., Wang T., Zhang J., Wu Y., Li H.-C.*, Blyakharchuk T.*, Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Kong X.-G., Xie W.-L., and Edwards L. R. (2021) Early Holocene permafrost retreat in West Siberia amplified by reorganization of westerly wind systems. Communications Earth & Environment 2, 199. doi: Sept 29
Chen, C., Yuan D., Cheng H., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., Wu Y., Xiao S., Zhang J., Wang T., Huang R., Liu Z., Li T.*, and Li J.* (2021) Human activity and climate change triggered the expansion of rocky desertification in the karst areas of Southwestern China. Science China Earth Sciences. (Aug 08)
Wang, J., Yin M., Liu J., Shen C.-C., Yu T.-L., Li H.-C., Zhong O., Sheng G., Lin K., Jiang X., Hong L., Liu S., and Xiao T. (2021) Geochemical and U-Th isotopic insights on uranium enrichment in reservoir sediments. Journal of Hazardous Material 414, 125466. July 15
Yeşilova, Ç.*, Yeşilova P. G., Açlan M., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2021) U-Th ages Of Edremit travertines, Van, Eastern Anatolia: Implications for neo-tectonics of the region. Geological Quarterly 65, doi: 10.7306/gq.1597. June 22
Lin, H.-T.*, Chiang H.-W., Yu T.-L., Christl M., Liu J., DeLong K., and Shen C.-C.* (2021) 236U/238U analysis of femtograms of 236U by MC-ICPMS. Analytical Chemistry 93, 8442-8449. June 9
Maupin, C. R.*, Roark R. B. Thirumalai K., Shen C.-C., Schumacher C., Kampen-Lewis S. V., Housson A. L., McChesney C. L., Baykara O., Yu T.-L., White IV K., and Partin J. W. (2021) Abrupt Southern Great Plains thunderstorms shifts linked to glacial climate variability. Nature Geoscience 14, 396-401. May 06
Watanabe, T. K., Watanabe T.*, Pfeiffer M., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., and Yamazaki A. (2021) Corals reveal an unprecedented decrease of Arabian Sea upwelling during the current warming era. Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2021GL092432. doi: 10.1029/2021GL092432. May 24
Li, J.-Y., Li T.-Y.*, Shen C.-C., Yu T.-L., Zhang T.-T., Wu Y., Zhou J.-L., Chen C.-J., and Zhang J. (2021) Variations and significance of Mg/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr in a karst cave system in Southwestern China. Journal of Hydrology 596, 126140. May
Li T.-Y.*, Wu Y., Shen C.-C.*, Li J.-Y., Ching H.-W., Lin K., Tan L.-C., Jiang X.-Y., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2021) High precise dating on the variation of the Asian summer monsoon since 37 ka BP. Scientific Reports 11, 9375. April 30
Chen, C.-J., Huang R., Yuan D.-X., Zhang J., Cheng H., Ning Y.-F., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., Long X.-Y., Wang T., Xiao S.-Y., Wu Y., Liu Z.-Q., Li T.-Y.*, and Li J.-Y.* (2021) Karst hydrological changes during the Late-Holocene in Southwestern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 258, 106865. April 15
Muiruri, V. M., Owen R. B.*, Lowenstein T. K., Renaut R. W., Marchant R., Rucina S. M., Cohen A., Deino A. L., Sier M. J., Luo S., Leet K., Campisano C., Rabideaux N. M., Deocampo D., Shen C.-C., Mbuthia A., Davis B. C., Aldossari W., and Wang C. (2021) A million year vegetation history and palaeoenvironmental record from the Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 567, 110247. April 1
Ghinassi, M.*, Aldinucci M., Bianchi V., Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2021). Lifecycle of an intermontane Plio-Pleistocene fluvial valley of the Northern Apennines: from marine-driven incision to tectonic segmentation and infill. Geosciences 11, 141. doi: 10.3390/geosciences11030141. March 18
Demény, A.*, Rinyu L., Czuppon Gy., Surányi G., Leél-Őssy Sz., Shen C.-C., and Koltai, G. (2021) Paleotemperature reconstructions using speleothem fluid inclusion analyses. Chemical Geology 563, 120051. March
Gallentes, A. T.*, Manglicmot M. T., Gong S.-Y., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., and Siringan F. P. (2021) Coral boulder transport and gravel bar formation by storms in Lumaniag village, Batangas, northwestern Philippines. Geomorphology 376, 107554. March 1
Columbu, A.*, Audra P., Gázquez F., D’Angeli I. M., Bigot J.-Y., Koltai G., Chiesa R., Yu T.-L., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C., Carbone C., Heresanu V., Nobécourt J.-C., and De Waele J. (2021) Hypogenic speleogenesis, late stage epigenic overprinting and condensation-corrosion in a complex cave system in relation to landscape evolution (Toirano, Liguria, Italy). Geomorphology 376, 107561. March 1
Amekawa, S., Kashiwagi K., Hori M., Sone T., Kato H., Okumura T., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., and Kano A.*, (2021) Stalagmite evidence for East Asian winter monsoon variability and 18O-depleted surface water in the Japan Sea during the last glacial period. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 8, 18. Feb 22
Kele, S.*, Sallam E. S., Capezzuoli E., Rogerson M., Wanas H., Shen C.-C., Lone M. L., Yu T.-L., Schauer A., and Huntington K. W. (2021) Were springline carbonates in the Kurkur-Dungul area (Southern Egypt) deposited during glacial periods? Journal of the Geological Society. doi: 10.1144/jgs2020-147. Feb 4.
Kato, H.*, Amekawa S., Hori M., Shen C.-C., Kuwahara Y., Senda R., and Kano A. (2021) Influences of temperature and the meteoric water δ18O value on a stalagmite record in the last deglacial to middle Holocene period from southwestern Japan. Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106746. Feb 1
Chawchai, S.*, Tan L., Löwemark L., Wang H.-C., Yu T.-L., Chung Y.-C., Mii H.-S., Liu G., Blaauw M., Gong S.-Y., Wohlfarth B., and Shen C.-C.* (2021) Hydroclimate variability of central Indo-Pacific region during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106779. Feb 1
Amakawa, H.*, Yu T.-L., Tazoe H., Obata H., Gamo T., Sano Y., Shen C.-C., and Suzuki K. (2021) Corrigendum to “Neodymium concentration and isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean” [Chemical Geology 511 (2019) 190–203]. Chemical Geology 561, 120032. Feb
Wang, H., Yu K.*, Tao S., Xu S., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., and Wang S. (2021) New evidence for the periodic bleaching and recovery of Porites corals during the mid-late Holocene in the northern South China Sea. Global and Planetary Change 197, 103397. Feb.
Zhang, X., Jiang X.*, Xiao H., Cai B., Yu T.-L., and Shen C.-C.* (2021) A gradual transition into Greenland interstadial 14 in southeastern China based on a sub-decadally-resolved stalagmite record. Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106769. Feb 1
Matera, P. F.*, Ventruti G., Zucchi M., Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Liotta D., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Huntington K. W., Rinyu L., and Kele S., (2021) Geothermal fluid variation recorded by banded Ca-carbonate veins in a fault-related, fissure ridge-type travertine depositional system (Iano, southern Tuscany, Italy). Geofluids 2021, 8817487. Jan 30
Leupold, M.*, Pfeiffer M., Watanabe T. K., Reuning L., Garbe-Schönberg D., Shen C.-C., and Brummer G.-J. (2021) El Niño–Southern Oscillation and internal sea surface temperature variability in the tropical Indian Ocean since 1675. Climate of the Past 17, 151-170. Jan 15.
Li, T.-Y.*, Xiao S.-Y.*, Shen C.-C., Zhang J., Chen C.-J., Cheng H., Spötl C., Huang R., Wang T., Li J.-Y., Wu Y., Liu Z.-Q., Edwards R. L., and T.-L. Yu (2021) Little Ice Age climate changes in Southwest China from a stalagmite d18O record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110167. Jan 15
Biemiller, J. B.*, Taylor F. W., Lavier L. L., Yu T.-L., Wallace L., and Shen C.-C. (2020) Emerged coral reefs record Holocene low-angle normal fault earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL089301. Oct 1
Claes, H.*, Török Á., Soete J., Mohammadi Z., Vassilieva E., Hamaekers H., Erthal M. M., Aratman C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Özkul M., Kele S., Mindszenty A., and Swennen R. (2020) U/Th dating and open system behavior: Implications for travertines based on the study of Süttő (Hungary) and Ballik (Turkey) sites. Quaternaire 30, 117-132. August
Zhang, X., Xiao H., Chou Y.-C., Cai B., Lone M. A., , and Jiang X. * (2020) A detailed East Asian monsoon history at Greenland Interstadial 21 in southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 552, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109752. Aug
Chen, A.-T., Sano Y., Byrne T. B.*, Takahata N., Yang T. F., Wang Y., and *, (2020) Helium isotopic signature of a plate boundary suture in an active arc-continent collision. . doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00038. July 15 online.
Shiraishi, F., Morikawa A., Kuroshima K., Amekawa S., Yu T.-L., , Kakizaki Y., Kano A., Asada J., and Bahniuk A. M. (2020) Genesis and diagenesis of travertine, Futamata hot spring, Japan. . 405, 105706. July 15
Kahng, S. E.*, Watanabe T., Hu H.-M., Watanabe T. K., and (2020) Moderate zooxanthellate coral growth rates in the lower photic zone. . doi: 10.1007/s00338-020-01960-4. June 15
Nguyen D. C., Chen Y.-G.*, Chiang H.-W.*, , Wang X., Lam D. D., Yuan S., Lone M., Yu T.-L., Lin Y., and Kuo Y.-T. (2020) A decadal-resolution stalagmite record of strong Asian summer monsoon from Northwestern Vietnam over the Dansgaard-Oeschger events 2-4. 100027. June 1
Vignaroli, G.*, Mancini M., Brilli M., Bucci F., Cardinali M., Giustini F., Voltaggio M., Yu T.-L., and (2020) Spatial-temporal evolution of extensional faulting and fluid circulation in the Amatrice Basin (Central Apennines, Italy) during the Pleistocene. , 8:130, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00130. May 29
Lawman, A. E.*, Quinn T. M., Partin J. W., Thirumalai K., Taylor F. W., Wu C.-C., Yu T.-L., Gorman M. K., and (2020) A century of reduced ENSO variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. , e2019PA003742. Feb 27
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Brogi, A.*, Liotta D., Capezzuoli E., Matera P., Kele S., Soligo M., Tuccimei P., Ruggieri G. Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., and Huntington K. H. (2020) Travertine deposits constraining transfer zones neotectonics in geothermal areas: An example from the inner Northern Apennines (bagno vignoni-vald’orcia area, Italy). Geothermics 85, 101763. May
Yang, S., Chen S.*, Wang Y., Shao Q., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Zhai X., Edwards R. L., Liu D., Liang Y., Wang Q., Zhang Z., and Li C. (2020) Millennial-scale Asian monsoon variability during MIS 9 revealed by a high-resolution stalagmite δ18O record in Luoshui Cave, central China. Quaternary Science Reviews 234, 106218. April 15
Wu, Y., Li T.-Y.*, Yu T.-L., , Chen C.-J., Zhang J., Li J.-Y., Wang T., Huang R., and Xiao S.-Y. (2020) Variation in the Asian summer monsoon since the last glacial-interglacial recorded in a stalagmite from southwest China. , 106261. 15 April
Weil-Accardo, J.*, Feuillet F., Satake K., Goto T., Goto K., Harada T., Kayanne H., Nakamura M., Ramos N., Saurel J.-M., Sowa K., Liu S.-C., Yu T.-L., and (2020) Relative sea-level changes over the past centuries in the central Ryukyu Arc inferred from coral microatolls. , e2019JB018466.
Abram, N. J.*, Wright N. M., Ellis B., Dixon B. C., Wurtzel J. B., England M. H., Ummenhofer C. C., Philibosian B., Cahyarini S. Y., Yu T.-L., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., and Heslop D. (2020) Coupling of Indo-Pacific climate variability over the last millennium. Science 579, 385-392. March 9 online, March 19.
Janssens, N., Capezzuoli E., Claes H., Muchez P., Yu T.-Y., , Ellam R., and Swennen R. (2020) Fossil travertine system and its palaeofluid provenance, migration and evolution through time: Example from the geothermal area of Acquasanta Terme (Central Italy). . 398, 105580. March 15
Chen, N.-C., Yang T. F., Hong W.-L., Yu T.-L., Lin I.-T., Wang P.-L., Lin S., Su C.-C., , Wang Y., and Lin L.-H. (2020) Discharge of deeply rooted fluids from submarine mud volcanism in the Taiwan accretionary prism. , 381. Jan 15.
Uemura, R., Kina Y., , and Omine K. (2020) Experimental evaluation of oxygen isotopic exchange between inclusion water and host calcite in speleothems. , 17-27. Jan 07
Silva, I.C.B.S., Liparini A., Pereira N.S., Braga B.L.S.S., Sial A.N., Liu S.-C., , and Kikuchi R.K.P. (2019) Assessing the growth rate of the South Atlantic coral species (VERRILL, 1902) using stable carbon and oxygen isotopes. , 102346. December
Li, X., Liu Y., Wu C.-C., Sun R., Zheng L., Lone M. A., and (2019) Coral-inferred monsoon and biologically driven fractionation of offshore seawater rare earth elements in Beibu Gulf, northern South Chin. , 131-141. Nov
Liu, X., Liu J.*, , Yang Y., Chen J., Chen S., Wang X., Wu C.-C., and Chen F. (2019) Inconsistency between records of d18O and trace element ratios from stalagmites: Evidence for increasing mid–late Holocene moisture in arid central Asia. Holocene 30, 369-379. Nov 22
Török, Á., Claes H., Brogi A., Liotta D., Tóth A., Mindszenty A., Kudó I., Kele S., Huntington K. W., , and Swennen R. (2019) A multi–methodological approach to reconstruct the configuration of a travertine fissure ridge system: The case of the Cukor quarry (Süttő, Gerecse Hills, Hungary). , 106836. Nov 15
Tan, L., , Löwemark L., Chawchai S., Edwards R. L., Cai Y., Breitenbach S. F. M., Cheng H., Chou Y.-C., Duerrast H., Partin J. W., Cai W., Chabangborn A., Gao Y., Kwiecien O., Wu C.-C., Shi Z., Hsu H.-H., and Wohlfarth B. (2019) Rainfall variations in central Indo-Pacific over the past 2,700 yProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116, 17201-17206. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1903167116. Aug 12 online
Yesilova, C.*, Gülyüz E., Huang C.-R., and Shen C.-C. (2019) Giant tufa of Lake Van record lake-level fluctuations and climatic changes in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 533, 109-226. Nov 1
Columbu, A.*, Spötl C., Waele J. D., Yu T.-L., , and Gázquez F. (2019) A long record of MIS 7 and MIS 5 climate and environment from a western Mediterranean speleothem (SW Sardinia, Italy). Reviews , 230-243. Sept 15
Chen, A.-T., , Byrne T. B.*, Sano Y., Takahata N., Yang T. F., Wang Y. (2019) Mantle fluids associated with crustal-scale faulting in a continental subduction setting, Taiwan. :10805. July 25
Jung, C.-C., Chou C. C.-K., Lin C.-Y., , Lin C.-Y., Huang Y.-T., Tsai C.-Y., Yao P.-H., Huang C.-R., Huang W.-J., Chen M.-J., Huang S.-H., and Chang S.-C. (2019) C-Sr-Pb isotopic characteristics of PM2.5 transported on the East-Asian continental outflows. , 88-97. July 15
Chen, F.#*, Welker F.#, Shen C.-C.#, Bailey S., Bergmann I., Davis S., Xia H., Wang H., Fischer R., Freidline S., Yu T.-L., Skinner M. M., Stelzer S., Dong G., Fu Q., Dong G., Wang J., Zhang D.*, and Hublin J. J.* (2019) A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau. Nature 569, 409-412. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1139-x. #These authors contributed equally to this work. May 1
Sisson, T. W., Schmitt A. K., Danišík M., Calvert A. T., Pempena N., Huang C.-Y., and (2019) Age of the dacite of Sunset Amphitheater, a voluminous Pleistocene tephra from Mount Rainier (USA), and implications for Cascade glacial stratigraphy. , 27-43. May 1
Demeny, A.*, Kern Z., Németh A., Frisia S., Hatvani I., Czuppon G., Leél-Őssy S., Molnár M., Óvári M, Surányi G., Gilli A., Wu C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2019) North Atlantic influences on climate conditions in East-Central Europe in the late Holocene reflected by flowstone compositions. Quaternary International 512, 99-112. (SCI) April 10
Yang, X., Yang H., Wang B., Huang L.-J., , Edwards R. L., and Cheng H. (2019) Early-Holocene monsoon instability and climatic optimum recorded by Chinese stalagmite records. , 1-9. doi:10.1177/0959683619831433. Feb 28
Liu, X., Rao Z., , Liu J., Chen J., Chen S., Wang X., and Chen F. (2019) Holocene solar activity imprint on centennial- to multidecadal-scale hydroclimatic oscillations in arid central Asia. , doi: 10.1029/2018JD029699. Feb 06
Suchý V., Zachariáš J., Tsai H.-C., Yu T.-L., , Svetlik I., Havelcová M., Borecká L., and Machovič V. (2019) Relict Pleistocene calcareous tufa of the Chlupáčova sluj Cave, the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic: A petrographic and geochemical record of hydrologically-driven cave evolution. , 110-125. May 1
Amakawa, H., Yu T.-L., Tazoe H., Obata H., Gamo T., Sano Y., , and Suzuki K. (2019) Neodymium concentration and isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. 511, 190-203. April 20
Phan, T. T., Yamazski A., Chiang H.-W., , Doan D. L., and Watanabe T. (2019) Mekong River discharge and the East Asian monsoon recorded by a coral geochemical record from Con Dao Island, Vietnam. , e1-e7.
Owen, R. B., Renaut R. W., Muiruri V. M., Rabideaux N. M., Lowenstein T. K., McNulty E. P., Leet K., Deocampo D., Luo S., Deino A. L., Cohen A., Sier M. J., Campisano C.,, Billingsley A., Mbuthia A., and Stockhecke M. (2019) Quaternary history of the Lake Magadi basin, southern Kenya Rift: Tectonic and climatic controls. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518, 97-118. March 15
Jiang, X., He Y., Wang X., Dong J., Li Z., Lone M. A., and (2019) Sub-decadally-resolved Asian monsoon dynamics during Chinese interstadial 21 in response to northern high-latitude climate. , 243-248. April 1
Liu, Y.*, Li X., Zeng Z., Yu H.-M., Huang F., Felis T., and Shen C.-C. (2019) Annually-resolved coral skeletal δ138/134Ba records: A new proxy for oceanic Ba cycling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 247, 27-39. Feb 15
Gautam, P. K., Narayana A. C.*, Band S. T., Yadava M. G., Ramesh R., Wu C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2019) High resolution reconstruction of Indian monsoon during the Bølling-Allerød from a Central Indian stalagmite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 567-576. Jan
Yin, M.-L., Sun J., Chen Y.-H., Wang J., Shang J., Belshaw N., Shen C.-C., Liu J., Li H., Linghu W., Xiao T., Dong X., Song G., Xiao E., and Chen D. (2019) Mechanism of uranium release from uranium mill tailings under long-term exposure to simulated acid rain: Geochemical evidence and environmental implication. Environmental Pollution 244, 174-181. Jan
Liu, Y.*, Li X., Zeng Z., Yu H.-M., Huang F., Felis T., and Shen C.-C. (2018) Annually-resolved coral skeletal δ138/134Ba records: A new proxy for oceanic Ba cycling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (in press)
Gautam, P. K., Narayana A. C.*, Band S. T., Yadava M. G., Ramesh R., Wu C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2019) High resolution reconstruction of Indian monsoon during the Bølling-Allerød from a Central Indian stalagmite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 567-576. Jan
Jiang, X.*, He Y., He Y., Wang X., Dong J., Li Z., Lone M. A., and Shen C.-C.* (2018) Sub-decadally-resolved Asian monsoon dynamics during Chinese interstadial 21 in response to northern high-latitude climate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.(in press)
Yin, M.-L., Sun J., Chen Y.-H., Wang J., Shang J., Belshaw N., Shen C.-C., Liu J., Li H., Linghu W., Xiao T., Dong X., Song G., Xiao E., and Chen D. (2019) Mechanism of uranium release from uranium mill tailings under long-term exposure to simulated acid rain: Geochemical evidence and environmental implication. Environmental Pollution 244, 174-181. Jan
Chuang C.-K.#, Lo, L.#*, Zeeden C., Chou Y.-M., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., Chang Y.-P., and Tung Y.-H. (2018) Integrated stratigraphy of ODP Site 1115 (Solomon Sea, southwestern equatorial Pacific) over the past 3.2 Ma. Marine Micropaleontology 144, 25-37. Oct. #These authors contributed equally to this work.
Sun H., Albert-Delmoro C., Azura-Cafe L., and Gong S.-Y.* Li, Z., Chen M.-T.*, Lin D.-C., Shi X., Liu S., Wang H., Yokoyama Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., Troa R. A., Zuraida R., Triarso E., and Hendrizan M. (2018) Evidence of solar insolation and internal forcing of sea surface temperature changes in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean during the Holocene. Quaternary International 490, 1-9. Oct 10
Wang, Y. J., Cheng H., Edwards R. L.*, An Z. S., Wu J. Y., Shen C.-C., and Dorale J. A. (2001) A high-resolution absolute-dated late Pleistocene monsoon record from Hulu Cave, China. Science, 294, 2345-2348. (SCI, IF: 31.027, T:1070) (SCI all-field highly cited paper) | PDF |
Moran, S. B.*, Shen C.-C., Weinstein S. E., Hettinger L. H., Hoff J H., Edmonds H. N., and Edwards R. L. (2001) Constraints on deep water age and particle flux in the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean based on seawater 231Pa and 230Th data. Geophy. Res. Lett., 28 (18), 3437-3440. (SCI, IF: 3.982, T:25) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Hastings D. W., Lee T., Chiu C.-H., Lee M.-Y., Wei K.-Y, and Edwards R. L. (2001) High precision glacial-interglacial benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca records from the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 190 (3-4), 197-209. (SCI, IF: 4.349, T:23) | PDF |
Before 2001 -
Sun, M.*, Lee T., Chiu C.-H., Shen C.-C., and Nie B. F. (2000) Coral Sr thermometer simplified from Sr/Ca thermometer. Progress in Natural Science, 10 (12), 950-952. (SCI, IF: 0.989, T:0) | PDF |
Sun, M., Chiu C.-H., Shen C.-C.*, and Lee T. (1999) Sr thermometer for Porites corals: Little need to measure Ca? Geochem. J., 33 (5), 351-354. (SCI, IF: 0.758, T:8) | PDF |
Shen, C.-C.*, Liu K.-K., and Wang W.-L. (1997) Watermass research around the coral reef area of Nanwan Bay (Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan). Proc. 5th Taiwan Conference of Coral Reef Biology, 195-200.
Lee, T.*, Shen C.-C., Wang C.-H., Chiu C.-H., Dai C.-F., and Chen J.-C. (1997) Coral Sr/Ca as a high precision high time-resolution paleo-thermometer for sea surface temperature: Looking for ENSO effects in Kuroshio near Taiwan. PAGES 5 (1), p8.
Shen, C.-C.*, Lee T., Chen C.-Y., Wang C.-H., and Dai C.-F. (1996) The calibration of D[Sr/Ca] versus sea surface temperature relationship for Porites corals. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 3849-3858. (SCI, IF: 3.884, T:116)
Shen, C.-C.*, Lee L.-A., Dai C.-F., and Lee T. (1996) Improved subsampling method for biogenic skeletons and detailed growth pattern of Porites coral. Proc. 4th Taiwan Conference of Coral Reef Biology, 246-255. | PDF |
Lee, T.*, Chiu C.-H., Shen C.-C., Dai C.-F., Wang C.-H., and Chen J.-C. (1995) Coral Sr/Ca as a high precision high time-resolution paleo-thermometer for sea surface temperature: Looking for ENSO effects in Kuroshio near Taiwan. Proc. of 1995 Nagoya PAGES/PEP-♊ Symp., 211-216.
Other Articles:
Shen, C.-C.*, and Chen H.-W. (2011) Variable atomic weight. Scientific American (Chinese version), 118, December, 60-70.
Shen, C.-C.*. (2010) Breakthrough of U-Th dating and its application to earthquake supercycle and tsunami. Natural Sciences Newsletter, NSC, 22, 16-19. (in Chinese)
Pung, C.-P.*, and Shen C.-C. (2010) Diversity of micro-organisms in the Lost City. Scientific American (Chinese version), 96, February, 68-69.
Shen, C.-C.* (2009) Holy Grail – Earthquake prediction. Scientific American (Chinese version), 94, December, 80-87.
Wei, K.-Y.*, Lin Y.-S., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Lin I.-T., and Mii H.-S. (2008) Sea-surface temperature and hydrological variations in Okinawa Trough during the last 10,000 years. In: Liu, T.-J. (ed.), Interaction between Nature and Human – Environmental History, 33-53, Academia Sinica, Linking Books.
Qu, D.*, Gagan M. K., Dunbar G. B., Shen C.-C., Chen C.-W., Hantoro W. S., Suwargadi B. W., Mortimer G. E., and McCulloch M. T. (2008) Two distinct processes of U-series isotopic diagenesis in a single fossil Porites coral and model correction age. Research School of Earth Sciences Annual Report 2007, The Australian National University, 82-83.
Shen, C.-C.* (2004) Coral: A natural archive. Science Development, 369, 12-17.
Shen, C.-C.* (1996) Ph.D. thesis: High precision analysis of Sr/Ca ratio and its environmental application. Tsing-Hua Univ., Taiwan R.O.C., p187.
Conference Papers
Philibosian, B., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D. H., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Daryono M. R., Suwargadi B. W., Lubis A. M., and Avouac J.-P. (2011) Variations in the seismic cycle of the Mentawai segment of the Sunda Megathrust. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Hereid, K. A., Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Edwards R. L., Cheng H.-W., and Shen C.-C. (2011) ENSO variability at Vanuatu during the Medieval climate anomaly. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Partin, J. W., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., Taylor F. W., Banner J. L., Maupin C. R., Lin K., Sinclair D. J., and Huh C. (2011) Multi-decadal rainfall variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone from 1570-2005. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Maupin, C. R., Partin J. W., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., Banner J. L., Lin K., Taylor F. W., and Sinclair D. (2011) Replicated stalagmite records of rainfall variability in the Solomon Islands since the Little Ice Age. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Meltzner, A. J., Horton B. P., Switzer A. D., Shen C.-C., Hawkes A. D., Suwargadi B. W., Natawidjaja D. H., and Bradley S. (2011) Precise timing and elevation of the Mid-Holocene highstand at Belitung Island, Indonesia, on the Sunda Shelf, from coral microatolls. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
DeLong, K. L., Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2011) Surface ocean temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Taylor, F. W., Mann P., Briggs R. W., Prentice C. S., Jean P., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., and Jiang X. (2011) Late Holocene paleo-uplift events at the Tapion restraining bend in Haiti: Implications for earthquake recurrence in the vicinity of the 2010 rupture zone. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA. Chou, Y.-C., Shen C.-C., Lo Y.-C., and Chang C.-C. (2011) Monthly-resolved coral skeletal lead isotopic determination in picogram quantities by MC-ICP-MS. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Wu, C.-C., Liu Y., and Shen C.-C. (2011) Rapid and precise determination of natural carbonate rare earth elements in femtogram quantities by ICP-SF-MS. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA. Huang L.-J., Li Y.-Y., Yang X.-L., and Shen C.-C. (2011) Spatial Asian Monsoon variability at MIS 6.2 inferred from oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from Yangkou Cave, Chongqing, China. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Allu, N. C., Tiwari M., Yadava M. G., Nguyen D. C., Shen C.-C., Belangaonkar S. B., and Ramesh R. (2011) Stable isotopic variations of a stalagmite from Belum Cave, India: Potential for monsoon reconstruction. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 4-9, San Francisco, USA.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Philibosian B. Natawidjaja D. H., and Suwargadi B. W. (2011) Persistent rupture segmentation along the Sunda megathrust off Sumatra. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Philibosian, B., Sieh K., Avouac J.-P., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Natawidjaja D. H., Daryono M. R., and Suwargadi B. W. (2011) Refinements to the rupture history of the Mentawai Segment of the Sunda Megathrust and implications for fault rupture processes. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Wu C.-C., Shen C.-C., Liu Y., Jhou J.-R., Lo L., and Wei K.-Y. (2011) Rapid and precise measurements of natural carbonate rare earth elements in subpicogram-to-picogram quantities by ICP-SF-MS. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chou, Y.-C., Lo Y.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2011) Toward picogram quantities of Pb isotopes determination by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Liu, C.-H. , Chen M.-T., Mii H.-S., Shen C.-C., Itaki T., Ikehara K., and Chang Y.-P. (2011) The study of Kuroshio flow path and intensity variations since 26 ka – based on core GH08-2004. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chang, Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., and Chen M.-T. (2011) The last interglacial-glacial Mg/Ca-based water temperatures deriving from foraminiferal species of Globigerinoides ruber and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei of the East China Sea (IMAGES core: MD012404) and the possible implications on vertical hydrology conditions changes. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Lin, I.-T., Martin C., Wang C.-H., Chen Y.-G., Hovius N., and Shen C.-C. (2011) Chemical weathering budgets linked on the submarine groundwater discharge of the Pingtung coastal aquifer, southern Taiwan. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Meltzner, A. J., Horton B. P., Switzer A. D., Shen C.-C., Hawkes A. D., Suwargadi B. W., Natawidjaja D. H., and Bradley S. (2011) Precise timing and elevation of the Mid-Holocene highstand at Belitung Island, Indonesia, on the Sunda Shelf, from coral microatolls. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chiang, H.-W., Chang C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. D. (2011) Environmental significances of Ba/Ca ratios in coral skeletons from Nanwan, southern Taiwan and Son Tra, central Vietnam. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Wu, C.-W., Mii H.-S., Shen C.-C., and Wang S.-W. (2011) Mid-Holocene paleoclimate of NW Taiwan inferred from coral Porites δ18O and δ13C data. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Dung, N. C., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Lin Y., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2011) Decadal-resolution stalagmite δ18O records of Asian monsoon changes during 22.8-30 ka in Northwestern Vietnam. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Kano, A., Takahashi M., Sone K., and Shen C.-C. (2011) A Holocene stalagmite oxygen isotopic profile from the NE Japan: A potential record of the Asian Winter Monsoon intensity. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Lin, C. D.-J., Shen C.-C., Gao P., Zhou L.-P., Li H.-C., Li T.-Y. (2011) Evaluation of temporal variability of dead carbon of stalagmite in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China by coupled C-14 and Th-230 dating methods. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Shen, C.-C., Kano A., Hori M., and Lin K. (2011) East Asian Monsoon at 15.5-10.7 Ka inferred from a Japanese stalagmite oxygen isotope record. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Shen, C.-C., Kano A., Hori M., and Lin K. (2011) East Asian Monsoon at 15.5-10.7 Ka inferred from a Japanese stalagmite oxygen isotope record. AOGS Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chang, Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., and Chen M.-T. (2011) Reconstructed Mg/Ca-based paleo-SSTs by planktonic foraminifera fossils for the last 100,000 years in the East China Sea and the influences caused by East Asian Monsoon and the Kuroshio. Geological Annual Meeting, May 4-5, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Shen, C.-C., Kano A., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G.S. (2011) Synchroneity of climate sequences between Japan and Greenland and East Asian monsoon during the last deglaciation. Geological Annual Meeting, May 4-5, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chang, S.-P., Shen C.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lo L., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2011) Thermal variations at the Southern Margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the past 3430 kyrs. Workshop for 2011 Oceanographic Research Programs. April 13-15.
Chen Y.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2011) Thermocline hydrological variability in the southwest Pacific warm pool over the past 25,000 years. Workshop for 2011 Oceanographic Research Programs. April 13-15.
Shen, C.-C., Chang Y.-P., and Lo L. (2011) Variations of temperature, nutrient and ventilation rate for the Intermediate Waters in the Western Pacific over the past 30,000 years. Workshop for 2011 Oceanographic Research Programs, April 13-15.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Wang H.-C., and Gong G.-C. (2011) High-precision uranium isotopic measurements of seawater samples collected from the East China Sea. Workshop for 2011 Oceanographic Research Programs, April 13-15. Luo, S.,
Wu Y.-C., Shen C.-C., and Palacios C. (2011) Dating paleo-seismic/tectonic events based on U-series disequilibrium in evaporates from the fault zones. The 106th Annual Meeting, GSA Cordilleran Section and Pacific Section AAPG, May 27-29, Anaheim, USA.
Chiang, H.-W., Harris R. A., Prasetyadi C., Shen C.-C., Chiu T.-C., Cox N. L., and Chen Y.-G. (2011) Th-230 dates of MIS 5e coral terraces in Kisar Island, Eastern Indonesia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-13467, May 2-7, Vienna, Austria. Kano, A.,
Shen C.-C., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G.S. (2011) Synchroneity or asynchroneity of climate sequences between Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-1601-1, May 2-7, Vienna, Austria.
Sándor, K., Scheuer G., Demény A., Shen C.-C., and Chiang H.-W. (2011) U/TH dating of travertines from Hungary: paleoclimatic and tectonic interpretations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-12013, May 2-7, Vienna, Austria.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Lin K., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Hsieh Y.-T., Li T., Kano A., and Hori M. (2011) High-precision and high-resolution speleothem Th-230 dating by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-1602, May 2-7, Vienna, Austria.
Partin, J. W., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., Maupin C. R., Lin K., Taylor F. W., Sinclair D. J., and Banner J. L. (2010) Rainfall variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone as reconstructed from a speleothem record (1670-2005) from Vanuatu. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Hereid K. A., Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., and Banner J. L. (2010) ENSO variability during the Little Ice Age from the perspective of a long coral record from the Western Pacific Warm Pool. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Maupin, C. R., Partin J. W., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., Lin K., Taylor F. W., Sinclair D. J., and Banner J. L., (2010) Stable isotope records of convection variability in the West Pacific Warm Pool from fast-growing stalagmites. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA. DeLong, K. L., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2010) A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Philibosian, B., Meltzner A J., Sieh K. E., Natawidjaja D. H., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Daryono M., Prayudi D., Suprihanto I., and Avouac J. (2010) The fault slip record from corals above the Sumatran subduction zone and implications for fault rupture processes. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2010) The Holocene Asian Monsoon discrepancies between Southwest China and Northern Vietnam. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Shen, C.-C., Kano A., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G.S. (2010) East Asian monsoon evolution and reconciliation of climate records from Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Chang, S.-P., Shen C.-C.; Lo L., Wei K.-Y., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2010) Sea surface temperature changes over the past 3 Terminations at the Southern Margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-17, San Francisco, USA.
Hori, M., Ishikawa T., Nagaishi K., Lin K., Huang K.-F., You C.-F., Kano A., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Controlling factors and the paleo-environmentological implications of REE patterns in a stalagmite. Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, September 1-3, Makuhari, Japan.
DeLong, K. L., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., and Lin K. (2010) A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310. Sclerochronology Conference, July 24-28th 2010, Mainz, Germany.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Cheng H., Edwareds R. L..and Li T. (2010) High-precision and high-resolution Th-230 dating for coral and speleothem carbonates by MC-ICP-MS. The 7th Annual Meeting of AOGS, July 5-9, Hyderabad, India.
Chang, Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., and Chen M.-T. (2010) Reconstruction of Mg/Ca-based paleo-SST on fossil planktonic foraminifera for the last 100,000 years in the East China Sea. International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Pumping and CO2 Sequestration in Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 1, Tainan, Taiwan ROC.
Liu, Y., Peng Z., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Atmospheric dust input and bioactivity induced seasonal cycle of REE/Ca and pattern recorded in a coastal Porites coral from the Gulf of Tonkin, south fringe of East Asia. International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Puming and CO2 Sequestration in Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 1, Tainan, Taiwan ROC.
Wu, C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Determination of rare earth elements in picogram quantities by ICP-SF-MS. Taiwan Mass Spectrometry Meeting, June 27-29, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC.
Chou, Y.-C., Lo Y.-C., Chang C.-C., Liu Y.-W., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Toward Pb isotopic determination with ppm-level precision in subnanogram quantities on multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Taiwan Mass Spectrometry Meeting, June 27-29, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC.
Li, T.-Y., Shen C.-C., Li H.-C., Li J.-Y., Chiang H.-W., Song S.-R., Yuan D.-X., Wang J.-L., Ye M.-Y., Tang L.-L., and Xie S.-Y. (2010) Oxygen and carbon isotopic systematics of aragonite speleothems and waterin Furong Cave, Chongqing, China. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Nguyen, D. C., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Lin Y., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2010) A decadal-resolution stalagmite record of Asian summer monsoon during 22-30 thousand years in Northwestern Vietnam. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2010) The monsoon similarity in Asia during the Early Holocene. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Liu, Y., Shen C.-C., Peng Z., Wei G., and Liu G. (2010) Interannual variation of rare earth element abundances in Porites corals from the northern South China Sea and its relation with sea level change and human activities. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chang, Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Shen C.-C., Lo L., and Chen M.-T. (2010) The Last Interglacial-Glacial SST records derived from foraminiferal Mg/Ca of the East China Sea (IMAGES core: MD012404) and the implications on hydrological changes. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Shen, C.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lai Y.-H., Lo L., and Mii H.-S. (2010) Intensification of the Kuroshio Current and southward shift of Intertropical Convergence Zone in the western Pacific since 8 thousand years ago. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2010) High resolution sea surface temperature records from the southern marginal Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: deglaciation timing and inter-basin pattern differences. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chen, Y.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lo, L., Shen C.-C., and Lee M.-Y. (2010) Magnitude and timing of thermocline changes in the southwest Pacific warm pool during the last two terminations. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Siringan, F. P., Maneja R. H., Saria J. A., Amano A., Liu Z., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Changes in the primary production in Sulu Sea during the past 2 ky from geochemical proxies. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Kano A., and Hori M. (2010) Precise Th-230 dating for coral and speleothem carbonates by MC-ICP-MS. AGU Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Kano, A., Hori, M., and Shen C.-C. (2010) Reconsideration of climate in Japan during the last deglaciation: a stalagmite record. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 23-28, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan. Kano, A., Shen C.-C., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G. S. (2010) Synchroneity or asynchroniety of climate sequences between Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation? EGU General Assembly, May 02-07, Vienna, Austria.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Lin K., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Hsieh Y.-T., Li T., Kano A., and Hori M. (2010) High-precision and high-resolution speleothem Th-230 dating by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols. EGU General Assembly, May 02-07, Vienna, Austria.
Chiang, H.-W., Harris R. A., Prasetyadi C., Shen C.-C., Chiu T.-C., Cox N. L., and Chen Y. G. (2010) Th-230 Dates of MIS 5e coral terraces in Kisar Island, Eastern Indonesia. EGU General Assembly, May 02-07, Vienna, Austria.
Kele, S., Scheuer G., Demeny A., Shen C.-C., and Chiang H.-W. (2010) U/Th dating of travertines from Hungary: paleoclimatic and tectonic interpretations. EGU General Assembly, May 02-07, Vienna, Austria.
Shen, C.-C., Kano A., Hori M., Lin K., Chiu T.-C., and Burr G. S. (2010) Synchroneity of climate sequences between Japan and Greenland and East Asian monsoon during the last deglaciation. Geological Annual Meeting, April 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Chang, Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., and Chen M.-T. (2010) The Last Interglacial-Glacial SST records of the East China Sea derived from foraminiferal Mg/Ca and the influence of East Asian monsoon on Kuroshio. Geological Annual Meeting, April 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan ROC.
Susanna, E. R., Beck J. W., Shen C.-C., Nguyen C. D., Chen Y.-G., Lin Y., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. Radiocarbon calibration from 22 to 30 k BP using 238U-230Th dating of a stalagmite from cave 2-9, Son La Province, Vietnam. The 38th Annual Geoscience Symposium, April 1-3, The University of Arizona, USA.
Shen, C.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lai Y.-H., Lo L., and Mii H.-S. (2010) Intensification of the Kuroshio Current and orbit-driven southward shift of Intertropical Convergence Zone in the western tropical-equatorial Pacific since the middle Holocene. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. March 31-April 2, Taiwan ROC.
Huang, J.-J., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Lo L., and Huang C.-Y. (2010) Thermal and hydrological variability in the southern South China Sea over the past 11,600 years. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. Taiwan ROC. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. March 31-April 2, Taiwan ROC.
Chen, Y.-C., Wei K.-Y., Lo L., Shen C.-C., and Lee M.-Y. (2010) Thermocline variability in the southwest Pacific warm pool during the last two terminations. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. March 31-April 2, Taiwan ROC. Chen, C.-Y., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., and Huh C.-A. (2010) An introduction to the Itrax X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanner at the NTU. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. March 31-April 2, Taiwan ROC.
Lo, L., Shen C.-C., and Wei K.-Y. (2010) Interglacial thermocline deepening of the southern periphery area of the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the past 168,000 years. Workshop for 2010 Oceanographic Research Programs. March 31-April 2, Taiwan ROC.
Lee, Z.-H., Liu Z.-Q., Li H.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Climate and human impacts on vegetation changes in central Guizhou, China: Carbon and oxygen isotopic records in a stalagmite from Yelang Cave. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Hu, C.-Y., Shen C.-C., Chang C.-C., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2009) The influences of hydrological dynamics on Porites coral skeletal Sr/Ca thermometry. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Liu, Y.-W., Chiang H.-W., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., and Lee D.-C. (2009) Natural variation of 87Sr/86Sr in coral Porites from southern Taiwan. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K. E., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Philibosian B., Suwargadi B. W., and Natawidjaja D. H. (2009) Earthquake Clusters and Persistent Segmentation Near the Boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda Megathrust. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Chen, Y.-C., Chang Y.-P., Chen M-T., Lo L., Wei K.-Y., and Shen C.-C., (2009) Intrusion of the Kuroshio Current to the Okinawa Trough during 40-100 thousand years before present. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Nguyen, D. C., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Lin Y., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2009) A decadal-resolution stalagmite record of Asian summer monsoon during 28- 30 thousand years in Northwestern Vietnam. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Cai, Y., An Z., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Tan L., and Shen C.-C. (2009) An absolute-dated and high-resolution Indian Monsoon record over the past 245 kyr from Xiaobailong Cave, southwest China. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Partin, J. W., Banner J., Jenson J. W., Taylor F. W., Quinn T. M., Shen C.-C., Maupin C. R., Sinclair D. J., Cardenas M. B., and Mylroie J. E. (2009) Reconstructing Paleo-rainfall in the Western Tropical Pacific: Developing speleothem proxies. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Lee M.-Y., Mii H.-S., Ke H.-C., Chuang C.-K., and Chen Y.-C. (2009) The formation of a permanent temperature SST gradient at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary: Highlights from the Western Pacific Warm Pool periphery area. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Hori, M., Shen C.-C., Siringan F. P., Mii H.-S., Wu C.-C., and Kano A. (2009) Stalagmite-inferred late Holocene precipitation evolution in the tropical western Pacific from Tine cave, Negros Occidental, Philippines. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Huang, J.-J., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Lo L., and Huang C.-Y. (2009) Thermal and hydrological variability in the southern South China Sea over the past 11,600 years. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Lin, Y., Chang C.-Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2009) The Asian Monsoon Variability during the Early Holocene. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Hsieh Y.-T., Li T., Kano A., and Hori M. High-precision and high-resolution Th-230 dating for coral and speleothem carbonates by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Ludwig, K. A., Shen C.-C., Kelley D. S., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2009) U-Th isotopic systematics and ages of carbonate chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Mann, P., Horton B. K., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., Lin K., and Renema W. (2009) Uplift patterns of reef terraces and sedimentary rocks constrain tectonic models for metamorphic core complexes in eastern Papua New Guinea. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Major, J. R., Harris R. A., Chiang H.-W., Prasetyadi C., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Variation in deformational mechanisms in the Banda Arc: Uplift and tectonic implications of Kisar, Indonesia. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Philibosian B. E., Suwargadi B. W., and Natawidjaja D. H. (2009) Coral microatoll paleogeodesy on Simeulue Island, Sumatra, reveals earthquake clusters and persistent rupture segmentation. GSA Annual Meeting, October 18-21, Portland.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Philibosian B. E., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W. ,and Natawidjaja D. H. (2009) Earthquake recurrence and long-term segmentation near the boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda megathrust ruptures. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Shen, C.-C.,Wu C.-C., Cheng H., Gallet S., Chang C.-C., Edwards R. L., Li T., and Lam D. D. (2009) U-Th isotopic determinations in femtogram quantities and high-precision Th-230 dating on MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Shen, C.-C., Chang C.-C., Chiang, H.-W., Chen Y.-G., and Lam D. D. (2009) Impact of economic development on environmental change inferred from coral geochemical records in the central Vietnam. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Wu, C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Direct determination of carbonate rare earth elements in picogram quantities by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Wu, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chang C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2009) Volcano eruption enhanced coral mortality in 1991 summer in the South China Sea. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Chou, Y.-C., Lo Y.-C., Chang C.-C., Liu Y.-W., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Toward Pb isotopic determination with ppm-level precision in subnanogram quantities on multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Sieh, K., Natawidjaja D. H., Meltzner, A. J., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Li K.-S., Suwargadi B. W., Galetzka J., Philibosian B. E., and Edwards R. L. (2009) Earthquake supercycles inferred from sea-level changes recorded in the corals of West Sumatra. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Lin, K., Gong S.-Y., Siringan F. P., and Shen C.-C. (2009) U-Th measurements of Holocene corals and deglacial sea-level rise of northwestern Luzon, Philippines. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Chiang, H.-W., Harris R. A., Prasetyadi C., Shen C.-C., Cox N. L., and Chen Y.-G. (2009) Th-230 dates of MIS 5e coral terraces in Kisar islanad, eastern Indonesia. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Chen, M.-T., Chang Y.-P., Chen Y.-C., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Yokoyama Y., Oppo D. W., Thompson W. G., and Zhang R. (2009) Millennial sea surface temperature changes over the past 40,000 years in the subtropical western Pacific. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Lim, Y.-C., Lin S., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Machiyama H., and Huang K.-M. (2009) Authigenic carbonate formation from gas hydrate oxidation offshore southwestern Taiwan. The 6th Annual AOSG Meeting, August 11-15, Singapore.
Wei, K.-Y., Lai Y.-H., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., and Lo L. (2009) Hydrographic changes of the Kuroshio Current off east Taiwan during the past 7500 years. The 1st Young Scientists Meeting, PAGES, July 6-7, Corvallis, USA.
Cai, Y., Tan L., Cheng H., An Z., Edwards R. L., and Shen C.-C. (2009) An absolute-dated and high-resolution Indian monsoon record over the past 245 ka from Xiaobailong Cave, southwest China. The 1st Young Scientists Meeting, PAGES, July 6-7, Corvallis, USA.
Hori, M., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Intra-annual to annual time resolution record during 600-1700 BP from a stalagmite in southwestern Philippines. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 16-21, Makuhari, Japan.
Kano, A., Takeuchi S., Hori M., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Paleoclimate since 100 ka recorded in a stalagmite collected from eastern Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 16-21, Makuhari, Japan.
Gonzalez, S. E., Beck J. W., Shen C.-C., Dung N. C., Chen Y.-G., Yin L., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2009) Radiocarbon calibration from 22 to 30 kyr using 238U-232Th dating of a stalagmite from cave 2-9, San La Province, Vietnam. The 20th International Radiocarbon Conference, March 31-June 5, p58.
Siklosy, Z., Kern Z., Demeny A., Pilet S., Leel-Ossy Sz., Lin K., Shen C.-C., and Szeles E. (2009) Impact of uranium mining activity on cave deposit (stalagmite) and pine trees (S-Hungary). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-8239.
Siklosy, Z., Demeny A., Pilet S., Leel-Ossy Sz., Lin K., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Stalagmite geochemistry and the timing of the last interglacial-glacial transition in Central Europe (NE Hungary). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-5155.
Siklosy, Z., Demeny A., Szenthe I., Pilet S., Lin Y., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Climatic and environmental changes during the last millennium in the Bukk Mts. (NE Hungary) from a stalagmite record. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-5107-1.
Wu, Y.-C., Luo S., Shen C.-C., and Palacios C. (2009) 238U-234U-230Th disequilibrium in evaporates: A new tool for dating the paleo-climate/seismic events. Workshop for 2009 Oceanographic Research Programs. p244.
Lee, M.-Y., Lo L., Lin Y.-C., Mii H.-S., Wei K.-Y., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Variability of thermocline hydrography at the southern margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the past 170 ka. Workshop for 2009 Oceanographic Research Programs. p31.
Siringan, F. P., Shen C.-C., Feng C.-F., and Gong S.-Y. (2009) Holocene coral-inferred development and sea-level rise of Northwestern Luzon, Philippines. Workshop for 2009 Oceanographic Research Programs. p59.
Shen, C.-C., Chang C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Chen Y.-G. (2009) Influence of human activity on environmental change inferred from coral geochemical records in the central Vietnam. Workshop for 2009 Oceanographic Research Programs. p33.
Wu, C.-C., and Shen C.-C. (2009) Direct determination of carbonate rare earth elements (REEs) in pictogram quantities by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SF-MS). Workshop for 2009 Oceanographic Research Programs. p128.
Kano, A., Shen C.-C., and Sakai S. (2009) U-Th open-system age of cold-water corals from Challenger Mound, Iresh offshore. The 116th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, March 31, Okayama, Japan.
Chiang, H.-W., Chen Y.-G., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Asynchronous skeletal Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and U/Ca seasonal cycles in a multi-decades modern coral Porites from Nanwan, southern Taiwan. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41A-1436.
DeLong, K. L., Quinn T. M., Taylor F. W., Lin K., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Inter-decadal to multi-decadal sea surface temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since AD 1648. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP21D-03.
Dykoski, C. A., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Yuan D., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Asian Monsoon millennial-scale variability during the last glacial period and its links to North Atlantic climate. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41A-1429.
Frohlich, C., Hornbach M. J., Taylor F. W., Shen C.-C., Moala A., Morton A. E. (2008) Huge Erratic Boulders in Tonga Deposited by a Prehistoric Tsunami. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS53A-1298.
Jiang, X., Wang Y., Kong X., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Wu J., Wang X., and Edwards R. L. (2008) A Sub-millennial Scale Comparison Between the East Asian Monsoon and the North Atlantic Climate During the Mystery Interval. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41A-1431.
Lai, Y., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H., and Lo L. (2008) Hydrographic changes of the Kuroshio Current in the upper reach area during the past 6000 years. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41B-1462.
Lin, Y., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Lam D. D., and Dung N. C. (2008) Dissimilarities of stalagmite stable oxygen records in caves at different regimes in East Asia during 3-4 ka. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41A-1426.
Liu, Y.-W., Gallet S., Chiang H.-W., Lin I., Chang C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C. (2008) Seasonal coral skeletal 87Sr/86Sr anomaly as a new potential proxy of tracing water masses. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP31A-1482.
Liu, Z., Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., Kuo T., Wan N., and Luo S. (2008) Annual-to-decadal resolution speleothem records from Zhijin Cave in the central western Guizhou of China: Changes in climate, environment and human activity during the past 1200 years. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP11C-1407.
Lo, L., Lin Y., Lee M. Y., Wei K. Y., Shen C.-C., and Mii H. (2008) Changes in vertical hydrological profile at the southern margin of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) during the past 168,000 years. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP23C-1495.
Maupin, C. R., Quinn T. M., Poore R. Z., Lin K., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Inter-colony fidelity of Sr/Ca variability in the massive Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea: A sub-fossil example. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP31A-1469.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Philibosian B. E., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., and Natawidjaja D. H. (2008) Earthquake recurrence and long-term segmentation near the boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda Megathrust Ruptures. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract T51C-08.
Shen, C.-C., Wu C.-C., Gallet S., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Hsieh Y.-T., and Lin K. (2008) Limitation of secondary electron multiplier non-linearity on accurate U-Th isotopic determination by MC-ICP-MS. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract V13A-2084.
Sieh, K., Natawidjaja D. H., Meltzner A. J., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., Galetzka J., Li K.-S., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2008) Bicentennial earthquake supercycles inferred from relative sealevel changes in corals off West Sumatra. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract U51A-0009.
Wu, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chang C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2008) An abnormal episode of 1991 mass coral mortality: Clues from anomalies of coral skeletal rare earth elements (REEs). Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP41A-1421.
Hori, M., Shen C.-C., and Kano A. (2008) Monsoon intensity in Holocene implicated from oxygen isotopic records of Philippine stalagmite. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, 2P12 11-P04.
Kano, A., Fukumura K., Hori M., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Paleoclimate during the deglaciation recorded in a stalagmite collected from Taishaku Gorge, Hiroshima Prefeture, Japan. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 27, L133-009.
Kano, A., Hori M., Lin K., Fukumura K., and Shen C.-C. (2008) High-resolution paleoclimate during the deglaciation recorded in a stalagmite from NE Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The 5th Annual Meeting, AOGS, Busan, Korea.
Hori, M., Takeuchi S., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Abe Y., and Kano A. (2008) The last 100,000-year geochemical records of a stalagmite from western Japan. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 61.
Kuo, T.-S., Li H.-C., Liu Z.-Q., Shen C.-C., and Luo S. (2008) Climate and environmental changes during the past several hundred years in west Central Guizhou recorded by a stalagmite. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 118.
Li, H.-C., Liu Z., Yuan D., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Wan N., Kuo T.-S., Lin H.-L., and Chung W.-L. (2008) Impact of climatic conditions and human activities on karst desertification during Holocene in Guizhou: Speleothem records from four caves. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 55.
Li, T., Shen C.-C., Li H.-C., Wei H., Edwards L. R., Yuan D., and Wang J. (2008) Evolution of Asia monsoon since the Last Glacial: Stalagmite records from Furong cave, Chongqing, China. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 34.
Lin, H., Chung W., Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., Wan N., Zhang M., and Lin Y. (2008) Climate and vegetation shifts between early and late Holocene in south Guizhou reflected by carbon and oxygen isotope records of a stalagmite from Dragon Spring Cave in Libo, China. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 117.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2008) Rainfall fluctuation over the past 4000 years in northern Vietnam - Inferred from stalagmite. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 41.
Wan, N., Chung W., Li H.-C., Lin H.-L., Shen C.-C., Yuan D., Zhang M., and Lin Y. (2008) The long-term relationship between speleothem δ18O records from Libo and solar insolation. The Fifth International Conference Climate Changes: The Karst Records, Chongqing, China, 95.
Chiang, H.-W., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C. (2008) Two types of Ba/Ca signals preserved in coral skeletons from southern Taiwan. Geological Annual Congress, GC1, 569. Chung, W.-L., Lin H.-L., Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., Climatic and environmental variations reflected by stalagmite L12 record from Dragon Spring Cave of Guizhou. Geological Annual Congress, GC1, 596.
Gong, S.-Y., Siringan F. P., and Shen C.-C. (2008) Preliminary study on Holocene reef development of Currimao, northwest Luzon. Geological Annual Congress, GC1, 257.
Li, Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Lam D. D., and Dung N. C. (2008) Precipitation change over the past 4200 years – Inferred from stalagmite record of northern Vietnam. Geological Annual Congress, GC1, 523.
Lo, Y.-C., Shen C.-C., and Gallet S. (2008) Nanogram-quantity Pb isotopic determination on multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Geological Annual Congress, V1, A144.
Wan, N.-J., Chung W.-L., Li H.-C., Lin H.-L., Shen C.-C., Yuan D., Zhang M., and Lin Y. (2008) The long-term relationship between speleothem δ18O records from Libo and solar insolation. Geological Annual Congress, GC1, 129.
Chang, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen C.-W., Chen Y.-G., Chiang H.-W., Lin Y., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. D. (2008) Twenty six-year coral geochemical data of the climate, hydrological conditions, and human activities in the central Vietnam. Workshop for 2008 Oceanographic Research Programs.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., and Lam D. D. (2008) Rainfall fluctuation over the past 4200 years in northern Vietnam – Inferred from stalagmite. Workshop for 2008 Oceanographic Research Programs.
Shen, C.-C., Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Edwards R. L., Lam D. D., Fan T.-Y., Meltzner A. J., Taylor F. W., Quinn T. M., Chang C.-C., Chiang H.-W., and Hsieh Y-T. (2008) Variation of initial 230Th/232Th and limits of U-Th dating of shallow-water corals. Workshop for 2008 Oceanographic Research Programs.
Chang, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Chiang H.-W., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. (2007) Coral geochemical proxy records of the East Asian Winter Monsoon and hydrological conditions in the central Vietnam from 1978-2004 AD. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract GC51A-0150.
Guzzo, B. R., Dorale J. A., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., Wang X., and Cheng H. (2007) Episodes of Midwestern USA stalagmite deposition correlated with major stage boundaries of the marine oxygen isotope record. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract U13B-1162.
Lin, Y. Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., and Lam D. D. (2007) Precipitation fluctuation in the past 5000 years in the northern Vietnam inferred from stalagmite geochemical data. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP11A-0215.
Lo, Y.-C., Shen C.-C., and Gallet S. (2007) Isotopic measurement of lead in nanogram quantities on Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract V51B-0571.
Natawidjaja, D., Sieh K., Galetzka J., Suwargadi B. W., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., and Mohamed C. (2007) A 700-year-long paleoseismic context for the Sumatran megathrust earthquakes of 2007. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract U53A-01.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Briggs R. W., Philibosian B. E., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Suwargadi B. W., and Natawidjaja D. H. (2007) Coseismic, postseismic, and interseismic deformation, and long-term segmentation near the boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda Megathrust Ruptures. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract S24A-02.
Shen, C.-C., Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D. H., Cheng H., Wang X., Edwards R. L., Lam D. D., Meltzner A. J., Taylor F., Quinn T., Chiang H.-W., and Kilbourne K. (2007) Variation of initial Th-230/Th-232 and limits of high precision U-Th dating of shallow-water corals. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP31C-0540.
Wei, K.-Y., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-L., and Mii H.-S. (2007) Earth’s obliquity regulates the size of the western Pacific warm pool during the late Quaternary. XVII INQUA Congress 2007, Cairns, Australis, 28 July – 3 August, 2007.
Cox, N. L., Harris, R., Merritts, D., Shen, C-C., Hsieh, Y-T., and Nelson, S. (2007) Quaternary uplift of coral terraces from active folding and thrusting along the northern coast of Timor-Leste: Abstract Volume of 3rd international Symposium IGCP-516, Delhi, India, p24. Cox, N. L., Harris, R., Merritts, D., Shen, C-C., Hsieh, Y-T., and Nelson, S., 2007, U-Series isotope measurements for uplifted coral terraces from Timor-Leste – Implications for active folding: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 140.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Briggs R. W., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., and Suwargadi B. W. (2007) Coseismic, postseismic, and interseismic deformation at the boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda megathrust ruptures: Insights from coral microatolls. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Meeting, Bangkok, 30 July – 4 August, 2007.
Sieh, K., Meltzner A. J., Galetzka J., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Natawidjaja D. H., Briggs R. W., Chlieh M., and Suwargadi B. W. (2007) Variations in modes of failure along the Sunda megathrust. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Meeting, Bangkok, 30 July – 4 August, 2007.
Meltzner, A. J., Sieh K., Briggs R., Chiang H.-W., and Shen C.-C. (2007) Coseismic, postseismic, and interseismic deformation at the boundaries of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda megathrust ruptures: Insights from coral microatolls. Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Shen C.-C., and Mii H.-S. (2007) Inconsistency between marine and terrestrial hydrological records in east Asia during the Holocene: Decoupling or misinterpretation? PAGES-IMAGES-NSF Workshop on “Intra- and interhemispheric variability of SST and the hydrological cycle over the last 4 Myr”, Trins, Austria, 30 May – 2 June 2007, Abstract Volume, 41.
Shen, C.-C., Hsieh Y.-T., and Gallet S. (2007) Uranium isotopic and concentration measurements in picomole quantities on multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), V1-5A-07.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Shen C.-C., and Mii H.-S. (2007) Comparison of paleoclimate records in Dongge Cave and in the Okinawa Trough during the Holocene: One Asian monsoon, two statements? Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), GC1-3B-03.
Lin, Y., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Lam D. D., and Chi N. (2007) A possible persist dry period from 4,500-2,500 BP in Northern Vietnam inferred from speleothem geochemical data. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), GC1-3B-06. Lee, H.-J., Shen C.-C., and Liu K.-K. (2007) Flux and residence time of cold water mass in Nanwan. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), O1-3B-01.
Wan, N.-J., Li H.-C., Shen C.-C., and Hsh C.-A. (2007) Inferred Chinese monsoon variation during the past 1,000-5,000 years from stalagmite δ18O records. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), GC-P-04.
Lo, Y.-C., Shen C.-C., and Gallet S. (2007) Isotopic measurement of lead in one-ten nanogram quantities on magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), V-P-04.
Lo, L., Shen C.-C., Lu, C.-J., Lo Y.-C., Qu D., Wei K.-Y., and Gagan M. K. (2007) Determination of multi-element/Ca ratios in coral and foraminiferal samples using paired cold- and hot-plasma techniques on ICP-SF-MS. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), PP-502.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2007) The extension history of the western Pacific warm pool during the Late Quaternary. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), PP-626.
Chang, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Chiang H.-W., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. D. (2007) Coral geochemical proxies of the East Asian winter monsoon and hydrological conditions from 1979-2004 AD in the central Vietnam. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), PP-640.
Dasgupta, S., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., and Alexander E. C. (2006) Determination of initial 230Th/232Th ratios in a speleothem from Srping Valley Caverns, Minnesota, using fluorescent annual banding. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP51D-1167.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2006) The extent of the western Pacific warm pool varied with the Antarctica ice extent during the past 350 kyrs. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP13A-1577.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Shen C.-C., and Mii H.-S. (2006) Holocene paleoceanography of the southern Okinawa Trough, western Pacific. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP43A-1213.
Ludwig, K. A., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Kelley D. S. and Butterfield D. A. (2006) U and Th concentration and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids at the Lost City hydrothermal field. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract B31B-1093.
Shen, C.-C., Lu C., Lo L., Qu D., Wei K.-Y., and Gagan M. K. (2006) Determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in microgram-quantity coral and foraminiferal samples with permil-level precision by cold plasma inductively plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract V21A-0544.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Lo L., Shen C.-C., Lin I.-T., and Mii H.-S. (2006) Sea-surface temperature and hydrological variations in Okinawa Trough during the last 10,000 years. The 2nd International Conference on Environmental History, 8-10 November, Abstract Volume I, 1.4.
Chen, Y.-G., Ho W.-K., Shen C.-C., Lin Y., Chiang H.-W., and Cheng H. (2006) Paleoenvironment reconstruction by U-Th dating and δ18O values of speleothems: Cases from northern Vietnam. The 2nd International Conference on Environmental History, 8-10 November, Abstract Volume I, 1.3.
Shen, C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Chang C.-C., Li K.-S., Hsieh Y.-T., Lam D. D., Qu D., Gagan M. K., Sieh K., Fan T.-Y., and Chen Y.-G. (2006) Coral-inferred paleoclimate and paleo-seismics in the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. XIth Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan. 21-22 September, Abstract Volume, 31.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2006) The extent of the western Pacific warm pool varied with the Antarctica ice extent during the past 350 kyrs. XIth Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan. 21-22 September, Abstract Volume, 32.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Lam D. D., and Dung N. C. (2006) Asian monsoon in the past 5000 years inferred from high amplitude variation of geochemical records in speleothems from Ninh Binh, Vietnam. XIth Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan. 21-22 September, Abstract Volume, 170-175.
Chang, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Chen Y.-G., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. D. (2006) Seasonal and interannual variability of local and regional hydrological conditions in the western South China Sea recorded in a modern coral from Son Tra Island, central Vietnam. XIth Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan. 21-22 September, Abstract Volume, 176-178.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Shen C.-C., and Mii H.-S. (2006) Sea-surface temperature and hydrological variations in the Okinawa Trough during the Holocene. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP25A-02.
Shen, C.-C., Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Wang X., Edwards R. L., and Lam D. D. (2006) Constraints of spatial and temporal variations of initial 230Th/232Th values on coral 230Th dating method. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP25A-04.
Chang, C.-C., Shen C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Chen Y.-G., Lam D. D., and Ngai N. D. (2006) Twelve-year geochemical records of the East Asian summer and winter monsoons and terrestrial sediment transport in a Porites coral from Son Tra Island, central Vietnam. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl. Abstract PP23D-1807.
Lin, Y., Chen Y.-G., Chiang H.-W., Shen C.-C., Lam D. D., and Dung N. C. (2006) Asian monsoon in the past 5000 years inferred from high amplitude variation of geochemical records in speleothems from Ninh Binh, Vietnam. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl. Abstract GC23C-08.
Lo, Li, Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-Y. and Mii H.-S. (2006) Sea-surface temperature variation during the late Quaternary at the southern margin of the western Pacific warm pool. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 115.
Shen, C.-C., Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Wang X., Edwards R. L., and Lam D. D. (2006) Temporal and spatial variability of initial 230Th/232Th ratio in Porites coral skeleton. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 125.
Hsieh, Y.-T., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2006) High-precision measurements of uranium concentration and isotopic composition by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 244.
Lu, C.-J., Shen C.-C., Lo L., and Wei K.-Y. (2006) High-precision determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 250.
Lo, Li, Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Ke H.-C., Lee M.-Y., and Mii H.-S. (2006) Sea surface temperature and oxygen stable isotopic records in the late Quaternary in core ODP1115B. Workshop for 2006 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 15.
Lee, H.-J., Shen C.-C., and Liu K.-K. (2006) Characteristics and flux of cold water mass in Nanwan. Workshop for 2006 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 34.
Wei, K.-Y., Lin Y.-S., Lin I.-T., Yu P.-S., Chiang H.-W., Chen C.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., and Chen Y.-G. (2006) The Holocene Pulleniatina Minimum Event revisited: Geochemical and faunal evidence from the Okinawa Trough and upper reaches of the Kuroshio. Workshop for 2006 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 122-123.
Shen, C.-C., Li K.-S., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Wang X., Cheng H., Hsieh Y.-T., and Edwards R. L. (2005) Limits and applications of high precision coral Th-230 dating techniques. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December 2005.
Ludwig, K. A., Kelley D. S., Edwards R. L., Shen C.-C., and Cheng H. (2005) U/Th geochronology of carbonate chimneys at the Lost City hydrothermal field. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December 2005.
Shen, C.-C., and Edwards R. L. (2005) U-Th-Pa analyses and determination of trace metals in carbonates. 2nd Omaha workshop & 6th International Conference on Magnetic Sector Field ICP-MS, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, 15-18 August 2005.
Shen, C.-C., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Hsieh Y.-T., and Wang X. (2005) Isotopic measurements of natural uranium and thorium using HR-ICPMS with desolvating nebulizer systems. 2nd Omaha workshop & 6th International Conference on Magnetic Sector Field ICP-MS, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, 15-18 August 2005.
Hsieh, Y.-T., Gallet S., and Shen C.-C. (2005) Epsilon-level precision on uranium isotopic and concentration measurements by MC-ICPMS. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc..
Lin, H.-T., Shen C.-C., Chu M.-F., and Yu E.-F. (2005) Development of high precision measurements of uranium isotope ratio and concentration by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc..
Chiang, H.-W., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., and Fan T.-Y. (2005) Environmental variation and O/C isotopic compositions in Nanwan coral skeletons, southernmost Taiwan. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc..
Li, K.-S., Shen C.-C., Sieh K., Natawidjaja D., Wang X., Edwards R. L., Fan T.-Y., and Lee H.-J. (2005) High precision coral 230Th dating: Limits and applications. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc.
Lin, Y.-S., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., Chiang H.-W., Chen C.-Y., and Chen Y.-G. (2005) Holocene paleoceanography in the upper reach of the Kuroshio. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc.
Lo, L., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., and Chiang H.-W. (2005) Sea-surface paleotemperature and δ18Ow variation during the past 80 kyrs in the Solomon Sea. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc..
Li, K.-S., Shen C.-C., Sieh K., Wang X., Natawidjaja D., Lee H.-J., and Edwards R. L. (2005) Establishment of high precision coral 230Th dating techniques. Workshop for 2005 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 202.
Lin, H.-T., Shen C.-C., Chu M.-F., and Yu E.-F. (2005) Uranium isotopic and concentration measurements by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Workshop for 2005 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 203-204.
Lin, Y.-S., Wei K.-Y., Shen C.-C., Mii H.-S., and Chiang H.-W. (2005) Decline of surface salinity in the Southern Okinawa Trough during the Holocene: Links to East Asian monsoon or tropical Pacific? Workshop for 2005 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 205.
Shen, C.-C., Chiu H.-I., Chu M.-F., Chen M.-T., Wei K.-Y., and Steinke S. (2004) High-precision measurements of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in carbonates by cool plasma quadrupole ICPM. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 December 2004.
Chiang, H.-W., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., and Chiu H.-I. (2004) Thermal, hydrological, and biological signals with constraints of geochemical records in coral skeletons, southern Taiwan. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 December 2004.
Shen, C.-C., Chiang H.-W., Li K.-S., Chen Y.-G., Sieh K., X. Wang, and R. L. Edwards (2004) Application of coral geochemical tracers to understanding environmental changes. 10th Taiwanese Coral Reef Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract Volume, 4.
Shen, C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Li K.-S., and Chiang H.-W. (2004) Understanding environmental change and climate variation in the South China Sea Rim region using coral geochemical records. Proceeding, Vietnam-Taiwan Workshop on Marine Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9 Dec 2004, Abstract Volume, 157.
Chiang, H.-W., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., and Chiu H.-I.. (2004) A preliminary study of seasonal variation during past twenty years by geochemical records in coral skeletons, Nanwan. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 63.
Shen, C.-C., Chu M.-F., Lin H.-T., and Yu E.-F. (2004) Uranium isotopic and concentration measurements by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Xth Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan and Environmental Changes of Taipei Basin, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-6 December 2004., Abstract Volume, 106.
Steinke, S., Chiu H.-I., Yu P.-S., Shen C.-C., Erlenkeuser H., and Chen M.-T. (2004) On the influence of sea-level and monsoon climate on the southern South China Sea freshwater budget during the last 18 kyrs. 8th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Biarritz, France, 5-10 Sept 2004.
Lee, H.-J., Liu K.-K., Shen C.-C. (2004) Effects of reduced Yangtze River discharge on the circulation of surrounding seas. Workshop for 2004 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 14.
Chiang, H.-W., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., and Fan T.-Y. (2004) A preliminary study of seasonal variation during past twenty years by geochemical records in coral skeletons, Nanwan. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 63.
Chiu, H.-I, Shen C.-C., Chu M.-F., Chen M.-T., Wei K.-Y., and Steinke S. (2004) High-precision determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in marine carbonates by cool plasma quadrupole ICPM. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 68.
Li, K.-S., Shen C.-C., Sieh K., Wang X., Natawidjaja D., and Edwards R. L. (2004) Contemporary technique of young coral 230Th dating and its limitation. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 41.
Shen, C.-C., Lee T., Liu K.-K., Hsu H.-H., Wang C.-H., Lee M.-Y., Chen Y.-G., Lee H.-J. and Sun H.-T. (2004) Holocene precipitation in the southern Taiwan inferred from coral geochemical records. Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), 01-OB-009.
Wang, X., Auler A. S., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., Smart P. L., and Richards D. A. (2003) Millennial-scale ITCZ variability in the tropical Atlantic and dynamics of Amazonian Rain Forest. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 08-12 December 2003.
Shen, C.-C., Sung Y.-H., Chen Y.-G., Ho W.-K., Wang X., Galang C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Burr G. S., and Lam D. D. (2003) Initial 230Th and isotopic compositions of U and Th in a Holocene stalagmite from Ninh Binh, Vietnam. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 08-12 December 2003.
Moran, S. B., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L. Smith J. N., and Macdonald R. W. (2003) Sedimentary Pa-231/Th-230 in the Arctic Ocean. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint assembly, Nice, France, 06-11 April 2003.
Shen, C.-C. (2002) High precision U-Th analyses by magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Workshop for 2002 Oceanographic Research Programs, Abstract Volume, 244-246.
Shen, C.-C., Liu K.-K., Lee M.-Y., Lee T., and Wang C.-H. (2002) Tracing coastal water masses with Sr/Ca ratio and salinity in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, EOS, 83, F768.
Sung, Y.-H., Ho W.-K., Shen C.-C., Chen Y.-G., Cheng H., and Edwards R. L. (2002) Study on the initial 230Th of uranium dating in a stalagmite in Ninh Binh, Vietnam. 9th Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan, Abstract Volume, 138-140.
Shen, C.-C., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Dorale J. A., and Thomas R. B. (2002) High precision uranium and thorium isotope measurements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with micro-concentric nebulization system. Third International Conference on High Resolution Sector Field ICPMS, Atlanta, Georgia USA, Abstract Volume, 17.
Shen, C.-C., Edwards R. L., and Moran S. B. (2002) Measurement of ultratrace 231Pa in seawaters. 2002 Environmental Analytical Chemistry Conference, Abstract Volume, 61. Shen, C.-C., Cheng H., Edwards R. L., Moran S. B., Thomas R. B., and Weinstein S. E. (2002) Analysis of ultratrace 231Pa in seawater by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectroscopy. Annual Meeting, Chinese Geol. Soc., Abstract Volume, 206-207.
Moran, S. B., Shen C.-C., Edmonds H. N., Weinstein S. E., Smith J. N., and Edwards R. L. (2002) 231Pa and 230Th in the Western Atlantic Ocean. 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union. Honolulu, Hawaii, 11-15 Feb.
Shen, C.-C., Cheng H., Y. Wang, J. A. Dorale, and Edwards R. L. (2001) Uranium-thorium dating of speleothems by magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. the 3rd Two-Coasts-Three Regions & World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences, Hong Kong, China.
Moran, S. B., Shen C.-C., Edmonds H. N., Weinstein S. E., Smith J. N., and Edwards R. L. (2001) Dissolved and particulate 231Pa and 230Th in the Western Atlantic Ocean. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union.
Moran, S. B., Shen C.-C., Edwards R. L., and Edmonds H. N. (2001) 231Pa and 230Th in the Labrador Sea: Tracers of deep water age and particle flux. Conference of 2001: An Ocean Odyssey, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Shen, C.-C., Edwards R. L., Moran S. B., Weinstein S. E., and Cheng H. (2000) Femtogram-sized 230Th and 231Pa analyses in seawater by isotope dilution mass spectroscopy. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union. EOS, 81, F620.
Moran, S. B., Shen C.-C., Weinstein S. E, Edwards R. L., Edmonds H. N., and Charette M. A. (2000) 230Th and 231Pa in the equatorial and south Atlantic Ocean. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union. EOS, 81, F619.
Ho W.-K., Chen Y.-G., Shen C.-C., Cheng H., Lam D. D., Toan D. Y., and Edwards R. L. (2000) Carbon and oxygen record of a speleothem and the Late Pleistocene paleoclimatic change in the southern Vietnam. Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan, Abstract Volume, 37.
Adkins, J., Cheng H., Shen C.-C., R. L. Edwards, and Druffel E. R. M. (2000) The pre-bomb, Holocene and deglacial radiocarbon content of the deep Atlantic Ocean. In Tenth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 5(2), 119.
Edwards R. L., Dorale J. A., Cheng H., and Shen C.-C. (2000) Uranium-thorium and uranium-protactinium dating. Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America-Summit 2000, Reno, Nevada.
Shen, C.-C., Edwards R. L., Cheng H., Thomas R. B., and Dorale J. A. (1999) Uranium and thorium isotope measurements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, EOS, 80, F522-523.
Shen, C.-C., Emerson S. R., Hastings D. W., Lee T., Chiu C.-H., and Shen G. T. (1999) A high precision benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca record over the past 35,000 years. In Ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Abstract #7223. LPI Contribution No. 971, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Shen, C.-C., Emerson S., Hastings D. W., Lee T., Chiu C.-H., Lee M.-Y., and Wei K.-Y. (1999) A high precision benthic foraminiferal Sr/Ca record since 35ka from the Atlantic Ocean. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China.
Chiu, C.-H., Lee T., Shen C.-C., Dai C.-F., and Chen J.-C. (1998) Monsoon, ENSO, and the tale of two corals. Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sun, M., Chiu C.-H., Shen C.-C., and Lee T. (1998) Sr thermometer for Porites corals: Little need to measure Ca? Proc. of 1998 Ninth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology, Beijing.
Chiu, C.-H., Lee T., Sun M., Shen C.-C., Dai C.-F., Wang C.-H., and Chen J.-C. (1998) Studying the teleconnection between monsoon and ENSO through one coral colony. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 61-62.
Lee, T., Shen C.-C., Chiu C.-H., Wang C.-H., Dai C.-F., and Chen J.-C. (1997) Corals as high-resolution recorders of long-term sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall patterns. Proc. of Global Change in Taiwan. 119-121.
Lee, T., Shen C.-C., and Wang C.-H. (1997) The climate of Taiwan 8ka ago inferred from coral data. Proc. of 1997 International Symposium on Quaternary Environmental Change in the Asia and Western Pacific Region. p150.
Chiu, C.-H., Shen C.-C., Lee T., and Chen J.-C. (1997) Coral [Mg][Sr]: A shortcut to centennial climatic records. Proc. of 1997 International Symposium on Quaternary Environmental Change in the Asia and Western Pacific Region. p114.
Lee, T., Chiu C.-H., Shen C.-C., and Dai C.-F. (1997) Progress in SST and rainfall reconstruction around the South China Sea and along the Kuroshio. Proc. of 1997 International Symposium on Quaternary Environmental Change in the Asia and Western Pacific Region. p105.
Shen, C.-C., Lee T., Wang C.-H., Liu K.-K., and Wei K.-Y. (1997) Can precipitation in the past be inferred from oxygen isotopic composition of corals? Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 100-102.
Chiu, C.-H., Shen C.-C., Sun M., Lee T., Dai C.-F., Wang C.-H., and Chen J.-C. (1997) Fast but rough SST reconstruction using coral Mg/Ca. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 103-105.
Chiu, C. H., Lee T., Shen C.-C., Dai C.-F., Wang C.-H., and Chen J.-C. (1996) Records of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in corals from Lutao and the reconstruction of the climate in the past. The Joint Symposium on Taiwan Quaternary [6] and on Investigation of Subsurface Geology & Engineering Environment of Taipei Basin, 271-273.
Shen, C.-C., Lee T., Lee M.-Y. and Wei K.-Y. (1996) Fundamental hypotheses of coral Sr/Ca-SST thermometry. The Joint Symposium on Taiwan Quaternary [6] and on Investigation of Subsurface Geology & Engineering Environment of Taipei Basin, 274-275.
Lee, T., Chiu C.-H., and Shen C.-C. (1996) A strategy to search for recent climatic variability from high resolution study of coral records. Report on CLIVAR Dec-Cen Workshop, Villefranche, France.
Lee, T., and Shen C.-C. (1996) Is coral Sr/Ca a good proxy for paleo-SST? Annual Records of Tropical Systems (ARTS) Workshop, Kauai, Hawaii.
Shen, C.-C., Lee T., and Wang C.-H. (1996) Sr/Ca ratio and δ18O record of fossil corals in southern Taiwan in the Holocene. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 1-3.
Chiu, C.-H., Lee T., Shen C.-C., Dai C.-F., Wang C.-H., and Chen J.-C. (1996) Looking for ENSO effects in Kuroshio near Taiwan by coral Sr/Ca paleothermometer. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 4-7.
Lee, T., Shen C.-C., Chen C.-Y., Wang C.-H., and Dai C.-F. (1995) SST-D[Sr/Ca] calibration for two Porites coral species with on-site continuous temperature recording and seawater [Sr/Ca] monitoring. Spring Meeting, American Geophysical Union, EOS, 76, 179-180.
Shen, C.-C., Lee T., Chen C.-Y., Wang C.-H., and Dai C.-F. (1995) The calibration of skeletal Sr/Ca ratio vs. sea surface temperature relationship for Porites corals. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 408-411.
Lee, L.-A., Shen C.-C., Lee T. and Wang C.-H. (1995) Statistical method for paleo-SST reconstruction by coral Sr/Ca thermometry. The 4th South Taiwan Statistics Conference.
Chen, C.-Y., Shen C.-C., Lee T., Wang C.-H., and Dai C.-F. (1994) The relationships between δ13C, δ18O and Sr/Ca records in skeleton of Porites coral and sea surface temperatures of Nanwan Bay, Kenting, Southern Taiwan. Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. China, Abstract Volume, 429-434.